Scheduling settings

You configure the settings of a Job in the New/Edit Job window, which opens when adding or editing a Job. This window consists of the following tabs:

  • Properties tab: Use this tab to specify:
    • When the Job should be executed
    • What should be executed
    • Who should execute the Job
    • If a Job should run in parallel with other Jobs
  • Resulting Tasks and Resulting Agents tabs (not available for Run Books): Use these tabs to view which Tasks will be executed and by which Agents. If you have edited any of these Tasks or Agents after the Job was scheduled (for example, when you edited the Tasks or Agents used in a Recurring Job), you can update these changes in the Job:
    • Click Reload Resulting Tasks on the Resulting Tasks tab to update changes to Tasks.
    • Click Reload Resulting Agents on the Resulting Agents tab to update changes to Agents.
  • Resulting Jobs tab (only available for Run Books): Use this tab to view which Jobs will be executed and by which Agents. If you have edited any of these Jobs or Agents after the Run Book was scheduled, you can update these changes by clicking Reload Resulting Jobs.
  • Job Parameters tab: Use this tab to review the Job parameter values. This tab is only shown if the Input settings of the used parameters specify that new values are required when scheduling the Job.
    • If the parameters on the tab have not been reviewed yet, a warning sign warn will be shown.
    • If necessary, you can resize the New/Edit Job window to fit the contents of the value fields. This window adjusts automatically if the Job parameters contain Module parameter conditions. See Parameters.
    • Select Use parameter values from file if you want to input text parameter values from a CSV file, instead of providing these values manually. This makes it possible to feed information into Tasks from a spreadsheet. See Using parameter values from a CSV file.
  • Notification tab: Use the Notification tab to configure custom e-mail Notification settings for the scheduled job. This tab will inherit the Global Settings configuration for SMTP job notifications.

  • As long as a scheduled Job is not being executed, for example because it is not scheduled to run immediately, you can Edit it, Delete it or put the Job On Hold.
  • When a Job is executed, it will move from Scheduling to Activity.
  • When a Job has finished, you can view its results at Job History.
  • You can also schedule Jobs directly from the Agents and Teams nodes at Topology, and from the Modules, Projects and Run Books nodes at Library.
  • You can also schedule a Job unattended, for example if you want to schedule a Job using a third-party product.
  • Enabling or disabling the Auto-Refresh option to automatically update items affects ALL nodes in which this functionality is available (all Jobs and Topology nodes).