
At Jobs > Scheduling, when configuring the settings of a Job, use the When section on the Properties tab of the New/Edit Job window to specify when the Job should be executed.


  • Select Immediately to execute a Job immediately.
    • Select Schedule offline Agents for next boot to postpone the Job for offline Agents. This will execute the Job on online Agents immediately, but create a separate After next boot Job for any offline Agents on which the Job is scheduled. When one of the offline Agents gets online, the After next boot Job will be executed and remains active until all specified Agents have completed the Job. If you clear the option Schedule offline Agents for next boot, the Job will fail on all offline Agents, depending on the Launch timeout settings.
    • Select or when Agent is resumed after hibernate, sleep or standby when scheduling Jobs on Agents running on Windows laptops (also available for After next boot and After every boot Jobs): When a laptop goes into hibernation, sleep or standby, its Agent goes offline and it will become part of the After next boot Job. However, when the laptop is resumed and the Agent comes back online again, the After next boot Job on this Agent will not be executed, because the laptop has not booted. As many users rarely turn off their laptop, but put it in hibernation, sleep or standby instead, this can cause a backlog in Jobs that need to be executed on these Agents. By selecting the options Schedule offline Agents for next boot AND or when Agent is resumed after hibernate, sleep or standby, Jobs scheduled on these Agents will also be executed. The option or when Agent is resumed after hibernate, sleep or standby is not supported on non-Windows machines (Unix/Linux and macOS). When selected, the Unix/Linux or macOS Agent will execute the Job after a reboot of the machine.
  • Select Scheduled to execute the Job on a specific date and time, for example at night or during the weekend when network traffic is at its lowest.
  • Select Recurring to execute the Job recurringly at a specific interval. Scheduling a Job recurringly can be useful for recurring maintenance Tasks like defragmentation or disk space queries. For more granular control over your recurrence schedule, consider using Schedule using Cron (see below).
    • When you edit a Recurring Job that is configured with a schedule that is Effective Immediately, the schedule will be reset to the moment of editing. This means that the Job will again be executed immediately, after which it is executed recurringly at the specified interval.
  • Select Schedule using Cron to schedule a Job recurringly using a cron expression. Manual cron expressions are not supported. Use the built-in cron expression builder to create one. Once scheduled, the Job is considered a recurring Job.
  • Select After next boot to execute the Job after the next boot of the specified Agents.
  • Select After every boot to execute the Job after every boot of the specified Agents. When you schedule a Job After every boot to a Team, this will be a dynamic schedule. If the Team is enabled, the Job will automatically run on all Agents added to that Team before or after the Job has been scheduled.
  • Select After new Agent registered to execute the Job after new Agents get online.
  • Select Use Wake-On-LAN when Job starts to boot Agents automatically when the Job starts (available for Immediate, Scheduled and Recurring Jobs only). This broadcasts a "wake-up" packet to the Agent and forces it to use UTC time. By default, Ivanti Automation uses a global broadcast address, and UDP port 3163 for Wake-on-LAN. If necessary, you can set up different Wake-on-LAN settings.
  • Use If outside launch window to specify what should happen to the Job when it is scheduled outside the launch window. A launch window specifies the time period during which Agents are allowed to execute Jobs. The availability of the option If outside launch window depends on the permissions of your administrative role.
    • Select Fail the Job to fail the Job when it is scheduled outside the launch window of the Agent.
    • Select Override window and continue to schedule the Job irrespective of the launch window of the Agent. This option is only available if the administrative role of the administrator permits the use of this functionality.
    • Select Wait for next window to postpone the Job until the next launch window when it is scheduled outside the launch window of the Agent. If the global setting Launch timeout is set to less than one week, a warning will be shown that this combination may cause the Job to fail on Agents with infrequent launch windows.
  • Use Maximum Job duration to configure a timeout for the Job. This is useful to prevent situations in which Jobs cannot be completed because an Agent that executes a Task goes offline during execution, for example because it is being serviced or rebooted. Because this Task will remain active, the Job will not finish. By configuring a maximum Job duration, you can prevent these situations: the Job will be canceled when it times out.
    • Maximum Job duration is disabled by default. When enabled, a default value of 10 minutes will be shown.
    • In Run Books, if a Run Book Job is not completed within the specified timeout, it will change the status of any active Agent to Timed out. Subsequent Run Book Jobs will continue as normal. The end result of the Run Book will be Completed with errors.
  • Use Timing to specify whether to use local time of the Agent or UTC time of the Datastore (available for Scheduled, Recurring and Schedule using Cron Jobs only). Using UTC time is useful in large environments, where the Datastore is located in a different time zone than the Agent.
  • Clear Scheduled to (temporarily) put the Job On Hold. The Job will not be executed until the Scheduled option is selected again.
  • Select Schedule in parallel with other jobs to allow the Job to run in parallel instead of serialized.

Using Wake-on-LAN

When a Job is scheduled to use Wake-on-LAN (WOL), all Dispatchers broadcast a WOL packet containing 16 times the MAC address of the Agent(s) that need to wake up. For WOL to work, the receiving computer`s BIOS needs to support WOL and it needs to be enabled in the BIOS. Broadcasts need to be supported on the (VLAN) switches between the Dispatcher(s) and the Agent(s)s.

Ivanti Automation follows the standard WOL Magic Packet procedure with packet type UDP. This procedure is described at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN.