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Install the Relay Server component
We advise against installing a Relay Server on a machine that is also running an Agent, mainly because:
If the Agent machine shuts down, the Relay Server would also be unavailable.
In sites upgraded from versions prior to Workspace Control 2012, uninstalling the Agent also uninstalls the Relay Server component on that machine.
The deployment of Relay Servers on 64-bit machines that are directly connected to the Datastore, requires the installation of the 64-bit version of the necessary database drivers on these machines. The other components of Workspace Control use the 32-bit version of these database drivers. It may not be possible to use 32 and 64 bit drivers versions simultaneously on the same 64-bit machine, so it wouldn't be possible to use a Console and a Relay Server on this machine, both connected to the same Datastore.

There are several ways to install the Relay Server component:
Interactive installation with a wizard, followed by the Relay Server Configuration tool.
Unattended installation followed by the Relay Server Configuration tool.
Unattended installation, providing predefined connection settings in an XML file.
During an interactive installation, the installation wizard automatically opens the Ivanti Workspace Control Relay Server Configuration tool. For configuration, see Connect Relay Servers.
Unattended installation alone will not connect the newly installed Relay Server to any Workspace Control environment. To configure this connection after the unattended installation, open the Relay Server Configuration tool or use a command line as described in Connect Relay Servers using an existing configuration file.
Alternatively, you can use the connection information previously configured for a Relay Server on a different machine. To do so, open the Relay Server Configuration tool on the configured machine and click Save to XML. For the unattended installation of a subsequent new Relay Server, ensure that the XML file is available on a local device (not on a network share location or mapped drive).
In the command line for installation, provide the path to the XML file using the public property: configfile=[path and file name].
For example:
msiexec /i "C:\temp\Ivanti Workspace Control Relay Server(x64)" configfile=c:\temp\rls.xml /qn

To install the Relay Server unattended from the command line, you can apply the following public properties to its MSI file.

Public property | Value | Comments |
Specifies the path and file name of a configuration stored in an XML file that was generated on a Relay Server that connects directly to the Datastore. In this file, passwords are encrypted to prevent exposure. Create the configuration file from the Relay Server Configuration tool, by clicking Save to XML. Example: CONFIGFILE=C:\TEMP\Configfile.xml |
Alternatively, use: | ||
Specifies the database type. Example: DBTYPE=MSSQL |
Specifies the database server to which the Relay Server should connect. Example: DBSERVER=SQLServer01 |
Specifies the name of the database to which the Relay Server should connect. Example: DBNAME=WorkspaceControl |
Specifies the database user name that the Relay Server should use. Example: DBUSER=WorkspaceControlUser |
Specifies the database password (by default: plain text) the Relay Server should use. Example: DBPASSWORD=WorkspaceControlUserPassword |
DBPASSWORD_IS_ENCR | YES or NO (default) |
Specifies whether the value that is specified at DBPASSWORD is encrypted or not. The encrypted database password can be found in the XML configuration file that was generated on a Relay Server that connects directly to the Datastore. Create the configuration file from the Relay Server Configuration tool, by clicking Save to XML. Example: DBPASSWORD=<ENCRYPTED DBPASSWORD> DBPASSWORD_IS_ENCR=YES |
DBPROTOCOLENCRYPTION | YES or NO (default) | Specifies whether protocol encryption should be used when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server. |
DBWINAUTH | YES or NO (default) | Specifies whether to use Windows authentication. With Windows authentication you do not specify a SQL account & password, but let the connection use the local Windows credentials to log on to the database. |
Specifies the account name that should be used as the Relay Server service account when using Windows authentication. The account must have the following permissions:
When not using Windows authentication,
providing SERVICEACCOUNTNAME is optional.
If not provided, the Relay Server service will
run under the LocalSystem account. |
Specifies the plain text password that should be used if a service account is specified for SERVICEACCOUNTNAME. Example: SERVICEACCOUNTPASSWORD=RSUserPassword |
Specifies the local cache path on the Relay Server. If not specified, the cache will be stored at %ProgramData%\Ivanti\Relay Server\<Environment ID>. Example: CACHE_PATH=C:\Relay\Cache |
Specifies the listening port of the Relay Server and must be a value between 1024 and 65535. By default, the listening port is 1942. If the Relay Server is installed on a computer that is also an Agent, port 1942 cannot be used as the listening port for the Relay Server. Example: PORT=21943 |

Public property | Value | Comments |
Specifies the path and file name of a configuration stored in an XML file that was generated on a Relay Server that connects to another Relay Server. In this file, passwords are encrypted to prevent exposure. Create the configuration file from the Relay Server Configuration Tool, by clicking Save to XML. Example: CONFIGFILE=C:\TEMP\Configfile.xml |
Alternatively, use: |
CACHE_PATH | <CACHEPATH> | Specifies the local cache path on the Relay Server. If not specified, the cache will be stored at %ProgramData%\Ivanti\Relay Server\<Environment ID>. Example: CACHE_PATH=C:\Relay\Cache |
PORT | <PORTNUMBER> | Specifies the listening port of the Relay Server and must be a value between 1024 and 65535. By default, the listening port is 1942. If the Relay Server is installed on a computer that is also an Agent, port 1942 cannot be used as the listening port for the Relay Server. Example: PORT=16012 |
Specifies the account name that should be used as the Relay Server service account. The account must have the following permissions:
If not provided, the Relay Server service will
run under the LocalSystem account.
SERVICEACCOUNTPASSWORD | <PASSWORD> | Specifies the plain text password that should be used if a service account is specified for SERVICEACCOUNTNAME. Example: SERVICEACCOUNTPASSWORD=RSUserPassword |
RSLIST | <SERVERNAME1>: <PORTNUMBER>; <SERVERNAME2> | Specifies the list of Relay Servers to connect to, separated by a semicolon (;). When a Relay Server in this list uses a non-default listening port, its servername should be followed by a colon (:) and the listening port. Example: RSLIST=Server1;Server2:2012; |
RS_ENV_ID | <GUID> | Specifies the GUID that uniquely identifies the Workspace Control environment that the Relay Server should connect to. This GUID can be found in the Console at Administration > Relay Servers, on the Settings tab. Example: RS_ENV_ID={076FC22E-B7A1-477E-A021-94601893B568} |
Specifies the encrypted password of the Workspace Control environment that the Relay Server should connect to. This password must already be set in the Console at Administration > Relay Servers, on the Settings tab The encrypted password can be found in the XML configuration file that was generated on a Relay Server that connects to another Relay Server. Create the configuration file from the Relay Server Configuration tool, by clicking Save to XML. Alternatively, Technical managers can obtain the encrypted (hashed) version of the Environment password by using one of the following command lines on a machine running the Console:
The hashed password is saved in the specified file at the given location. |
Install Relay Server and connect to Datastore
msiexec.exe /i "C:\Install\Ivanti Workspace Control Relay Server(x64)" DBTYPE=MSSQL DBSERVER=SQLSERVER01 DBNAME=WorkspaceControl
CACHE_PATH=C:\Relay\Cache /qn
Install Relay Server and connect to Datastore including the Relay Server service account
msiexec.exe /i "C:\Install\Ivanti Workspace Control Relay Server(x64)" DBTYPE=MSSQL DBSERVER=SQLSERVER01 DBNAME=WorkspaceControl
CACHE_PATH=C:\Relay\Cache /qn
Install Relay Server and connect to another Relay Server
msiexec.exe /i "C:\Install\Ivanti Workspace Control Relay Server(x64)" PORT=1944
RS_PWD=38661621371C7E0C7C10ACA1CAEA1675F8678925 /qn
Unattended installation using msiexec.exe will only work with the parameter /qn.