Workspace Control 2022.4 (

This section includes new features, compatibility updates, improvements and bug fixes from previous Workspace Control versions, starting with Workspace Control 2022.3 ( and up to version 2022.4 (

What's New

Ivanti Ideas Feature Requests

The following user requests have been addressed in this version of Workspace Control:

New Enhancements and Improvements

The following enhancements and/or improvements are part of this version of Workspace Control:

Bug Fixes

The following customer support issues have been resolved in this release:

Problem ID


Internal finding

In Workspace Control Console, under Setup > Ivanti Products, VDX appears twice.


High CPU usage of the Ivanti Workspace Composer (pfwsmgr.exe) after installing Ivanti Workspace Control or higher in an Multi User Desktop environment (Microsoft RDS or Citrix XenDesktop).

More details in the following KB article.


Mandatory Pinned Taskbar and Desktop items are not being removed after switching them to Take no action.

More details in the following KB article.


Extra login popup for Citrix Cloud is shown after opening Citrix Cloud published application within the Ivanti Workspace Console.

More details in the following KB article.


Default browser not recognized when executable is replaced by an environment variable .

More details in the following KB article.


Using a NOT User/Group type in Access Control for a Microsoft Azure Active Directory Service results in incorrect access to the object.

More details in the following KB article.


User logs on to a Windows 11 managed IWC session. The Enable Ivanti Start Menu (Windows 8.1, 11, 2012 R2) option is enabled under Composition > Desktop > Lockdown and Behavior. At the beginning of the session, the original Windows Start Menu is shown instead of the Ivanti Start Menu.

More details in the following KB article.


VMware View TS-Client name or TS-Client IP address is not displayed correctly in Workspace Control Console.

More details in the following KB article.


Offline Folder Filename Configuration in Workspace Control E-Mail settings is not applied.

More details in the following KB article


The Workspace Control Console is put into suspended mode when launched; this can be seen by running Windows Task Manager. The CheckSuspendedConsole registry setting solves this issue. For more details, see Workspace Control Administration Guide.

More details in the following KB article.


New applications based on an Active Directory group are not available after an Administrative Refresh

More details in the following KB article.


Workspace Analysis not shown for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Accounts

More details in the following KB article.


Error message sharedTrinityEngine.flngPerformFolderSyncTask (Empty path name is not legal) is shown during logon.

More details in the following KB article.


Sometimes, after upgrading to Workspace Control or higher, signing in becomes unresponsive at 83% when composing the Ivanti Start Menu.

More details in the following KB article.


After trying to start a Citrix published application, the following message is displayed: Application can't be started (Instant passthru could not be resolved). This occurs when Citrix Multiple Sites and multiple Citrix Delivery Controller are configured.

More details in the following KB article.


Process Interception not working on Managed Application with Dynamic Privileges.

More details in the following KB article.


Using the Files and Folders - Security feature in the Ivanti Workspace Control Console under Security > Data > Files and Folders, certain file types can be configured to be blocked in a Workspace Control managed session. In a certain scenario, where there are prepopulated files on user's desktop, the feature does not work.

More details in the following KB article.


A force refresh of multiple selected Workspace Control user sessions is not completed when the selection is changed during the refresh and the following message is displayed:

All sessions were successfully forced to refresh.

However, not all selected Workspace Control sessions are refreshed.

More details in the following KB article.


The staged cache folders of the Relay Server are not removed when restarting the server.

More details in the following KB article.


Workspace Control Managed Application is blocked by Managed Application Security.

More details in the following KB article.


When adding a rule for a TS Client IP Address with a (charlist) or (!charlist) on a Zone in the Console 2021.2 ( or higher the system throws the following error: Please provide a valid filter before continuing!

More details in the following KB article.


Ivanti Start Menu is not displayed anymore on Microsoft Windows 8.1 Dutch after upgrading to Workspace Control or higher.

More details in the following KB article.


In the Workspace Control Console a large collection of objects is configured on an event (Composition > Actions By Event). When switching to another menu while the menu with the large collection is being populated, an error will pop-up: Key is not unique in collection error while switching menus in Ivanti Workspace Control Console.

More details in the following KB article.


AppGuard blocks Explorer on %userprofile%\desktop after upgrade to IWC

More details in the following KB article.