Avalanche powered by Wavelink


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A profile allows you to manage configurations and settings centrally and then deploy those configurations to as many locations as necessary. Use profiles to update or modify multiple servers or devices instead of manually changing settings for each one. Profiles must be enabled before being applied.

The following list provides information about each type of profile:

Smart device profile. A smart device profile is a collection of payloads that configure settings on Android devices. There are two types of smart device profiles: device settings profiles and application configuration profiles. For more information, see Managing Smart Device Profiles.

AIDC mobile device profile. A mobile device profile manages settings on your AIDC mobile devices, as well as adding, changing, and removing custom properties and registry keys. For more information, see Managing AIDC Mobile Device Profiles.

Network profile. A network profile provides gateway addresses, subnet masks, WWAN settings, and encryption and authentication information to devices on your network. For more information, see Managing Network Profiles.

Scan to Config profile. A Scan to Config profile allows you to print network settings as bar codes; then the settings are applied on the device when they are scanned. For more information, see Managing Scan to Configure Profiles.

Software profile. A software profile allows you to control where and when software and files are distributed to mobile devices. For more information, see Managing Software Profiles.

Alert profile. An alert profile allows you to track events on your network and send notifications by email or proxy server. For more information, see Creating and Configuring Alert Profiles.

Mobile device server profile. Amobile device server profile configures how the mobile device servers interact with devices and the Enterprise Server. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a Mobile Device Server Profile.

Smart device server profile. A smart device server profile allows you to configure push notifications, HTTPS configuration, and smart device administration. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a Smart Device Server Profile.

Once you assign and deploy a profile, the servers or devices retain their configuration values until you change the profile or assign a new profile with a higher priority. If you alter device configuration values without using Avalanche, when the server queries the device, it restores the configuration values from the assigned profile.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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