Avalanche powered by Wavelink


This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Configuring GCM for Android

GCM support enables Avalanche’s smart device server to establish communication with your Android devices.

Google no longer supports creating new GCM credentials. The instructions on this page are provided for people who already have GCM credentials.

If you do not already have GCM credentials:

Use the Avalanche Notification System (ANS). ANS does not require external credentials. For more information, see Connecting Android Devices to the Avalanche Server.

GCM support enables Avalanche’s smart device server to communicate to your devices wirelessly.

To provide Avalanche with existing GCM credentials:

1.From the Profiles tab, click New Profile.
The New Profile dialog box appears.

2.Click Smart device server.

3.Type the name of the profile in the Name text box.

4. Under the Push Notifications section, enter the Google Project Number and API key you received in the Google Developers Console.

5.Click Save.

Your Android devices are now able to use Google Cloud service through Avalanche. You must also have an SSL certificate for the smart device server in order to connect Android devices.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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