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Creating Enrollment Rules for Smart Devices
To manage Smart devices using Avalanche, create enrollment rules. Enrollment rules allow devices to connect to the server and display devices in the right folders. An enrollment rule contains an ID, password, and the folder that devices using the rule are placed in.
To connect a device to Avalanche, the device user must provide the enrollment ID and password. When the device connects to the Avalanche server, it enrolls and is placed in the folder associated with the enrollment rule it used.
Types of enrollment rules
How to determine the folder where a device belongs
Each enrollment rule has a folder associated with it. When a device enrolls, it is put into the folder associated with the enrollment rule. For more information about folders, see Using the Navigation Tree. The device may move or be moved, depending on the type of folder assignment that the server has configured.
•If the server is using static device folder assignment: you have the option to move the device to a different folder after it is enrolled, but if the device re-enrolls, it is moved back to the folder associated with the enrollment rule.
• If the server is using dynamic device folder assignment: when it syncs, the device is moved to the first folder that has matching selection criteria. The server evaluates the device during each sync.
Dynamic or static folder assignment is configured in the Smart Device Server profile. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a Smart Device Server Profile.
Each enrollment rule must have a unique ID. We recommend that enrollment rules use IDs that indicate the purpose of the enrollment rule.
All of the enrollment rules for your company are available at each folder of the Navigation Tree. As long as you have permissions for enrollment rules, you can create or edit an enrollment rule from any folder. However, when you deploy an enrollment rule, you must include the folder the rule is associated with in the deployment.
To create an enrollment rule:
1.Click the Enrollment tab. In the Enrollment Rules panel, click Add.
In the Navigation Tree, select the region or folder you want to create a rule for and click View. On the Folder Details page, click Add in the Enrollment Rules panel. The Enrollment Rule dialog box appears.
2.Type the enrollment ID, target folder that the rule is associated with, and password in the text boxes.
3.If you have GCM set up and you plan to use GCM Enablers, clear the checkbox for Use ANS.
4.If you want the device to display a End User License Agreement (EULA) to the device user that the user must accept in order to be managed, you can upload one of your own or modify the template provided by Ivanti. Click Download template to view the sample template, or click Browse to upload your own text file.
5.Click Save.
6.Perform a deployment to send the enrollment rule to the Smart device servers. Be sure to include the folder associated with the rule in the folders that are deployed.
When a device uses the enrollment rule, it appears in the folder's inventory and the Smart device profile applied to the folder will be applied on the device.
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