Ivanti License Server powered by Wavelink

Changing License Server settings

You can determine the number of days an unused license can be assigned to a mobile device before it becomes available for redistribution by configuring the following settings in the configuration file:

licenseaddress. The license address is the address and port on which the license server listens for license requests from Clients. The default is to access UDP traffic on port 1820 for all network interfaces. If the port value is changed, the Clients must be configured to use the different port.

Example: licenseaddress =

httpaddress. The http address is the address and port of the License Server for the web browser. The default is, which would mean a web browser address of http://[your computer name]:4420/. You should either change the http address to localhost (the loopback address) so the browser would need to be running on the same computer as License Server to access it, or make sure you specify an http filter and/or username and password to restrict access.

Example: httpaddress = localhost:4420

username and password. The username and password can be used to restrict access to the web browser interface. Both must be specified for the access to be restricted. If you are running multiple license servers, the username and password values on all the servers must be identical for data synchronization to occur.

Example: username = “admin”

Example: password = “mypasswordgoeshere”

httpfilter. The httpfilter can be used to limit the IP addresses that are allowed to access the web interface to License Server. You can have multiple httpfilter value entries; access will be allowed if any of the entries match. If no httpfilter values are configured, access is allowed from any IP address that can access the specified http address of the License Server. In addition to standard IP addresses, the IP addresses can be of the format x.x.x.x/y to specify a entire subnet.

Example: httpfilter = (This will allow access from to

Example: httpfilter = (This will allow access from to

Example: httpfilter = (This will allow access only from

otherserver. The otherserver lines allow you to specify the addresses of other license servers. These servers can be synchronized if they have the same username and password specified. You can use multiple otherserver lines if you have multiple license servers. Use the format otherserver = address:port for each line. If the port value is not specified, port 1820 is assumed. The License Server will always try to detect other servers on the same network section. This option is only needed in order to synchronize with other license servers on a different subnet.


otherserver = corporateserver7:1820

otherserver =

SiteId. SiteId lines allow you to associate names with the site ID numbers assigned to Clients in the emulation parameters. Adding the site IDs here also populates the site ID drop‐down boxes. If you have synchronized license servers, they will share site ID information, so you only have to enter the information at one location.

Example: SiteId = "100,Corporate Headquarters"

ServerSiteId. ServerSiteId is the site ID for this license server. This is the site ID that will be reported to other license servers. This setting does not affect how licenses are distributed; licenses with different site IDs will still be assigned to devices assigned those site IDs. A value of ʺ0ʺ should be used if you are not using the Site ID feature, or for License Servers that will be supporting multiple sites.

Example: ServerSiteId = 100

ShowAllLicenses. ShowAllLicenses determines which licenses are displayed in the list of licenses. A TRUE value will cause all licenses to be displayed. A FALSE value will cause only those licenses with a site ID of 0 or a site ID matching the Server site ID to be displayed.

Example: ShowAllLicenses = TRUE

SiteIdForUnassignedDevices. SiteIdForUnassignedDevices determines the site ID to use for devices with a site ID value of 0 (unassigned). This includes devices that donʹt have a Site ID configured, and older clients that do not support the configuration of site IDs. A value of 0 will allow only unassigned licenses to be distributed to devices with a Site ID value of 0.

Example: SiteIdForUnassignedDevices = 0

ReassignDays. ReassignDays sets the number of days a license goes unused before it is allowed to be redistributed to a different device. This is useful if, for example, you get a replacement device and want the replacement device to be able to access the previous deviceʹs license(s). Valid values are 5 ‐ 365 days, with the default being 14 days. A value of 0 can also be used if you never want unused licenses to be redistributed.

Example: reassigndays = 14

Logging Settings. Refer to Updating logging levels for details about these settings.

To change the settings:

1.Launch the License Server web browser and click the Configuration link.

2.Modify the code in the text box as desired. If the line begins with # then the line is considered a comment and will not affect the behavior of the license server.

3.Click Validate to ensure your changes are valid.

4.When you are finished, click Save and Restart to restart the server and update the settings.

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