Class WaveLinkTerminal

The public class WaveLinkTerminal is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS. However, not all methods are supported for all OS types.

The Class WaveLinkTerminal provides current terminal state information and alters certain terminal options.



public static final int CAPSLOCK

KeyState Keypad State - Represents a device keyboard state of capslock.


public static final int CE2740

RF Terminal Type - Represents 2740 Windows CE-based mobile devices.


public static final int CE7200

RF Terminal Type - Represents 7200 Windows CE-based mobile devices.


public static final int CE7540

RF Terminal Type - Represents 7540 Windows CE-based mobile devices.


public static final int HARDWARECURSOR

CursorMode Cursor State - Represents a hardware cursor state on the device.


public static final int HPC

RF Terminal Type - Represents HPC mobile devices.


public static final int HPCPRO

RF Terminal Type - Represents HPC Pro mobile devices.


public static final int INTERMEC

RF Terminal Type - Represents Intermec mobile devices.


public static final int LITHIUMBATDEAD

LithiumBattery Battery State - RF Device lithium battery is bad.


public static final int LITHIUMBATGOOD

LithiumBattery Battery State - RF Device lithium battery is good.


public static final int LITHIUMBATNONE

LithiumBattery Battery State - RF Device lithium battery is not present.


public static final int LRT

RF Terminal Type - Represents the LRT series terminals.


public static final int MAINBATGOOD

MainBattery Battery State - RF Device main battery is good.


public static final int MAINBATLOW

MainBattery Battery State - RF Device main battery is low.


public static final int NORMALKEYS

KeyState Keypad State - This constant represents a device keyboard state of capsoff.


public static final int PALM_PILOT

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents Palm Pilot devices.


public static final int PDT

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents the PDT series terminals.


public static final int PDT61XX

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents the PDT61XX series terminals.


public static final int PDT68XX

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents the PDT68XX series mobile devices.


public static final int PERCON_FALCON

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents PSC Falcon devices.


public static final int PPC

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents PocketPC-based mobile devices.


public static final int SOFTWARECURSOR

CursorMode Cursor State - This constant represents a software cursor state on the device.


public static final int VRC_PRC

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents the VRC/PRC series mobile devices.


public static final int WINDOWS

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents Windows-based devices.


public static final int WS10XX

RF Terminal Type - This constant represents the WS10XX series terminals.


public WaveLinkTerminal()
throws WaveLinkError
public WaveLinkTerminal(IWaveLinkSession currentSession)
throws WaveLinkError


Backlight Method

Sets or returns the amount of time that passes before a device turns off the display backlight.

CursorEnd Method

Sets or returns the last line of device display that is valid for printing.

CursorMode Method

Sets or returns the current cursor type of the device.

CursorStart Method

Sets or returns the first line of device display that is valid for printing.

DiskSpace Method

Returns the total storage capacity of the device.

KeyState Method

Sets or returns the state of the device's keypad.

KeyTimeout Method

Sets or returns the amount of inactive time that passes before a device automatically powers down.

LithiumBattery Method

Returns the state of the device's lithium battery.

MainBattery Method

Returns the state of the device's main battery.

Memory Method

Returns the total memory capacity of the device.

Ping Method

Times a send and receive cycle between the RF application and the device.

RawTerminalType Method

Returns the type of the current device.

ReadTerminalInfo Method

Updates the RFTerminal object with the current device settings.

SetDateTime Method

Synchronizes the date and time on the device with the host time and date.

SetTerminalInfo Method

Applies altered device settings to the device.

SystemCall Method

Executes common DOS commands on the device.

TerminalHeight Method

Returns the height of the device's display.

TerminalID Method

Returns the unique terminal ID of the device.

TerminalType Method

Returns a string specifying the current device type.

TerminalWidth Method

Returns the width of the device's display.

WaveLinkVersion Method

Returns the version of the device's Wavelink Studio Client software.




A WaveLinkTerminal object contains the terminal settings. To improve network efficiency, these are only set within the WaveLinkTerminal object when the object is first created.

To return the most current terminal settings you must first use the ReadTerminalInfo Method, which updates the WaveLinkTerminal object with the latest device settings.

Changes to device settings do not occur until you call the SetTerminalInfo Method.


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