TerminalHeight Method

This member of Class WaveLinkTerminal is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The TerminalHeight Method returns the height, in rows, of the current device display.


public int TerminalHeight()


The height of the display, in rows, for the current device


To improve network efficiency, the terminal settings within the WaveLinkTerminal object are only set when the object is first created. To return the most current information you must first use the ReadTerminalInfo Method, which updates the WaveLinkTerminal object with the latest device settings, before making a call to any other methods.


WaveLinkIO ioIface = new WaveLinkIO();

WaveLinkTerminal termIface = new WaveLinkTerminal();

int termWidth;

int termHeight;

string pszVerifyInput;

// Note: If you need to obtain current terminal info, use the ReadTerminalInfo Method (not shown).

termWidth = termIface.TerminalWidth();

termHeight = termIface.TerminalHeight();

try {

// In this example, use the termWidth and termHeight variables RFPrint Method calls.

ioIface.RFPrint(0, (termHeight –1), "Correct y/n?", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

// Hide the cursor for a cleaner display using termWidth or termHeight.

ioIface.RFPrint((termWidth + 1), 0 "", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

// Flush the output buffer and await a keystroke/scan using either RFInput or GetEvent.

pszVerifyInput = ioIface.GetEvent();


catch (WaveLinkError wlErr) {

//Do error handling



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