WaveLinkTerminal Samples

The following sample code demonstrates the implementation and capabilities of the Class WaveLinkTerminal and its associated methods.

Java Sample


* This source code is for demonstration purposes only and should be treated as such.


* This application demonstrates the use of the various WaveLinkTerminal methods.


package samplecode;

import com.wavelink.clientui.*;

import java.io.*;

public class JavaTerminalDemo extends WaveLinkApplication {

public void WaveLinkMain(String[] args)


WaveLinkIO ioIface = new WaveLinkIO();

String strBuffer;

// The following lines clear the display and output the app title in reverse video.

try {

WaveLinkTerminal termIface = new WaveLinkTerminal();

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, " Welcome To The ", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 1, " Java Terminal Demo ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 3, "Hit a key to proceed", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

//Hide the cursor for a cleaner display

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 20, "", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);


// When designing RF applications, it is often not possible to know which types of devices are

// going to be used by the end user. The WaveLinkTerminal object accesses

// accurate information about the user's device. Simply creating a WaveLinkTerminal object

// acquires the terminal's information, but for demonstration purposes, we explicitly

// request the current setting from the device.


ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, "Terminal information", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE | WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR);

//Display the terminal's screen dimensions

strBuffer = "Screen Size (" + Integer.toString(termIface.TerminalWidth()) + ", " + String.valueOf(termIface.TerminalHeight()) + ")";

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 1, strBuffer, WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

//Display the WaveLink Client version

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 3, "WaveLink Version:", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 4, termIface.WaveLinkVersion(), WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

//Display the Terminal's ID

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 6, "Terminal ID:", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 7, termIface.TerminalID(), WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 20, "", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);


ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, " Setting Cursor To ", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 1, " Software Mode ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 3, "SW Curser -> ", WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

termIface.CursorMode (WaveLinkTerminal.SOFTWARECURSOR);



ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, " Resetting Cursor To ", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 1, " Hardware Mode ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE | WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 3, "HW Curser -> ", WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

termIface.CursorMode (WaveLinkTerminal.HARDWARECURSOR);




catch ( WaveLinkError wlErr ) {

//Do error handling





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