RFPrint Method

This member of RFIO Object is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The RFPrint method allows you to print data directly to an RF device's display over a wireless network.


bStatus = object.RFPrint (nColumn, nRow, pszMessage, nMode)


HRESULT hr = object->RFPrint(short nColumn, short nRow, LPCTSTR pszMessage, short nMode, BOOL *bStatus);

Return Value


The status of the function returned as Boolean True or False values. Use the RFGetLastError method to return the error value.



The on-screen column coordinate at which output will begin. Columns are numbered from the left starting with column 0.


The on-screen row coordinate at which output will begin. Rows are numbered from the top starting with row 0.


The displayed message text.


The display mode of the printed text. Multiple options may be used by ORing the desired constants. For example, to clear the screen then print text in reverse enter "WLCLEAR+WLNORMAL". The possible values for nMode are:

WLCLEAR Clears the RF device's display

WLNORMAL Normal display of text

WLREVERSE Text is displayed in reverse colors

WLCLREOLN Clear text to the end of current line.

WLFLUSHOUTPUT Automatically flushes the output buffer



' VB Sample Code
Dim wlio As New RFIO
Dim wlterm As New RFTerminal
' Note: This example uses the RFTerminal object to dynamically
' position the screen output.
wlio.RFPrint 0, 0, "WaveLink Corporation", WLCLEAR + WLREVERSE
wlio.RFPrint 0, 1, " Auto Detailing ", WLNORMAL
wlio.RFPrint 0, (wlterm.TerminalHeight –1), _
" Press any key ", WLNORMAL

' Flush the output buffer and await a keystroke/scan
If wlio.GetEvent() = "" Then
GoTo ExitApp
End If


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