RFIO Object

The RFIO object is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS. However, not all methods are supported on all OS types.

The RFIO object offers basic input and output methods that will function over a WaveLink wireless network.


ActivateScanner Method

Activates the RF device's scanner without the prompt of an RFInput or GetEvent call.

AddHotKey Method

Defines custom command keys for your applications.

ClearHotKey Method

Clears custom command keys from the RFIO object.

EventCount Method

Returns the number of input events in the input queue.

GetEvent Method

Returns a value after a single key, function key combination, or scan input event has occurred.

LastBarcodeType Method

Returns the last barcode type scanned by the RF device.

LastExtendedType Method

Returns the last extended type, either a barcode type or widget ID, of the last input call.

LastInputType Method

Returns the last input type.

PullScreen Method

Restores a previously saved screen while deleting the screen file from the RF device memory.

PushScreen Method

Saves the current displayed screen for later restoration.

RestoreScreen Method

Restores a previously saved screen and does NOT remove the screen file from the RF device memory.

RFAux Method

Sends data directly to the RF device serial port.

RFFlushoutput Method

Sends all data in the output buffer to the RF device.

RFGetLastError Method

Returns the value of the last generated RFIO error.

RFInput Method

Returns user input from an RF device.

RFPrint Method

Prints data to the RF device's display.

RFSpool Method

Spools label data and a copy count to the RF device's serial port.

SetFillChar Method

Defines the fill character for RFInput input prompts.

SetInputTimeout Method

Defines the amount of time that elapses before an RFInput input prompt expires.

TellEvent Method

Checks the input queue for data sent from the RF device without removing the data from the input queue.

Prog IDs



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