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> Managing Projects > Using Speakeasy > Grammar Files

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Grammar Files

Grammar files define which speech-to-text words and phrases the Speakeasy engine will recognize on a user device. The terms listed here are what the engine looks for and compares verbal responses against. When the engine finds a matching term, it executes an associated command or enters the term into the a field.

Speakeasy for Velocity does not currently come with any default grammar files. You must create your own based on the commands, phrases, and responses you expect users to make when navigating a session.

To create a grammar file:

Use a word processing application like Notepad

Save the file in .bnf format

Follow the required grammar file structure

Add grammar terms as well as any alternate return values

As a best practice, we recommend breaking up terms into multiple grammar files. Once separated, you should use scripts to load and unload specific grammar files so that the performance of the Speakeasy engine doesn't affect the performance of the Velocity Client.

The more grammar files associated with a scope, the slower Speakeasy's response may become. In such instances, the engine is forced to scan each file to determine which term matches your response. Instead, you'll want to restrict grammar file references based on the scope.

For example, with a field scope, you should reference one grammar file. With screen scopes, you can reference two or three files. Session scopes can many apply grammar files as well, but these scopes are more likely to result in delayed response times from Speakeasy. We recommend narrowing the number and size of grammar files referenced by scope.

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