Velocity powered by Wavelink

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Using Speakeasy

Ivanti Speakeasy powered by Wavelink is a communication system that facilitates real-time voice communication between a mobile device and its user. It is available to use with the Velocity Client v1.2.104 and newer versions on Android devices.

Speakeasy provides the ability to translate data from session screens into spoken directions that the user is able to hear (text-to-speech). The user’s spoken response can then be transcribed and sent back to the host computer (speech-to-text). You can install both text-to-speech and speech-to-text, or just the component that fits your company’s needs. Speakeasy supports multiple languages.

You must install the Speakeasy Tools for Velocity in the same location as the Velocity Console, and the Speakeasy for Velocity .apk on each device that will use Speakeasy features. Speakeasy is licensed separately from Velocity, but uses the same license distribution methods.

To use Speakeasy with Velocity

1.Install the Speakeasy tool. This tool is a separate component to the Velocity Console. After installing the Velocity Console, you can then install the Speakeasy MSI. Once complete, the dialog closes and your TE projects can now use voice options. For information on installing Speakeasy, see Installing or Upgrading the Velocity Console.

2.Enable the voice engine. To use Speakeasy throughout a project, enable voice for the project from the host profile screen. This option is on the Host Profile > Voice tab.

3.Add voice-activated context menu items. Edit menu items to make them voice friendly with matching phrases. You can also add pre-configured menu items that control voice speed, volume, repeats, and more. For information on editing context menu items, see Editing Screen Elements.

4.Create or edit grammar files. To customize the words and phrases recognized by Speakeasy, edit a current grammar file (with a .bnf extension) or create a new one. Use new files to add support for custom terms and separate lists and terms into manageable pieces. For information about creating and using grammar files, see Grammar Files.

5.Add grammar files as resources. Locate all grammar files you'd like to associate with the project and add them as resources for that project. Only those grammar files added to a project are associated with a host session. Manage project resources from the Settings > Resources tab.

6.Write voice scripts. Using Velocity APIs, write scripts that add voice support. For information about creating scripts for Velocity, see Using Scripts.

7.Deploy to the client. Once all voice settings, scripts, and grammar files are defined and added to the project, deploy the host profile and add it to the Client. When the user taps the host profile, he is greeted with a pop-up message stating that Speakeasy is enabled. For information on deploying the project, see Distributing Settings to Devices.

8.Calibrate Speakeasy. Calibration checks for ambient noise and speaker volume and makes adjustments to improve recognition. For information about calibrating Speakeasy, see Performing a Quick Calibration.

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