Velocity powered by Wavelink

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Licensing the Client

The Velocity Client requires a license for full functionality. You can use the Client without a license, but you are limited to the demo mode. While in demo mode, you may initiate sessions with hosts. However, each session will automatically disconnect after a specific period of time.

Velocity Client licensing is on a per-client basis, not on a per-connection basis. This means that one license allows one Velocity Client to engage in the maximum number of sessions that the Velocity Client is configured to support (up to four concurrent sessions).

Types of Licenses

Velocity licenses are not specific to an emulation type, so a single license is applicable to all types you may use. A license authorizes you to use a version of the Velocity Client and any builds associated with that version. For example, if you purchased a 1.2 Velocity license, then you are entitled to use 1.2.xx builds. If you want to upgrade beyond a version 1.2 Velocity Client, then you must buy a new platform license.

Speakeasy for Velocity is licensed separately, but uses the same license distribution methods as Velocity.

Licensing Methods

There are three ways to license the Velocity Client:

Pre-licensing. The Velocity Client may come pre-installed and pre-licensed on your Android device. For pre-licensing information, please consult your device manufacturer or reseller.

License Server. Use an Ivanti License Server to automatically provide Velocity Client licenses to the mobile devices on your network. For more information, see the License Server User Guide.

Manual licensing. Use the Velocity Client interface on the mobile device to manually input licensing information.

Although Speakeasy is licensed separately, you can distribute Speakeasy licenses manually or using the License Server.

To obtain Velocity licenses, please contact Ivanti Customer Service.

ClosedUsing the License Server to License Velocity

The License Server is a Ivanti application that is responsible for supplying licenses to devices that are using the Velocity Client.

The License Server for Velocity and TE Clients should not be confused with the Ivanti Avalanche license server. They are separate Ivanti applications.

For information about installing and configuring the License Server, see the Terminal Emulation License Server Guide on the Ivanti Web site.

If a Velocity Client is unlicensed, it will automatically attempt to obtain a license from a License Server each time you begin a session.

To use the license server to obtain a license

1.When you attempt to connect to a host using the Velocity Client, it broadcasts a request for a license on the local network. Or, if you have configured the license server address, the Client sends a request to the specified license server.

2.License servers with an available license respond by offering a license.

3.The Velocity Client accepts the first license that it receives and sends a reply to the license server.

ClosedManually Licensing the Client

To manually assign licenses, key in your authorization information manually through the Velocity Client interface on the mobile device.

When you manually assign licenses, each device is associated with a unique User Number. For example, to license 50 devices, Ivanti would issue a license with a user limit of 50. Each of the 50 devices would have a different User Number, from 1 to 50.

When you manually configure the licensing information, you must have the following information:

Licensee Name

The name of the person or company for which the Client is licensed.

Serial Number

The serial number for the license.

Expiration Date

The expiration date of the license in the format MMDDYYYY.

Authorization Code

The authorization code for the license.

User Limit

The maximum number of users for the license.

User Number

A number unique to the device. It can be any number between 1 and the maximum number of users for which the license provides.

To manually license the Velocity Client on a device

1.On the device, launch the Velocity Client.

2.Tap a host to connect.

A prompt appears to activate a demo session or add a license.

3.Tap Add License.

4.Provide the license information in the text boxes.

The device is licensed and will no longer prompt for a license when connecting to a host server.

If you want to automatically license devices, the license server address can be set from the host profile either in the Velocity Client or by using the Velocity Console. If the devices are on the same local network as the licensing server, the address does not need to be specified as the Client will actively broadcast and find the server. For more information, see Configuring Host Profiles.

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