Avalanche powered by Wavelink

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Converting a Certificate

In order to use an SSL certificate for the Avalanche Console, Remote Control, or the Smart Device Server, the certificate must be in PKCS #12 format and include the private key. Even if the certificate authority gave you a .p12 file, you must import the private key into the .p12 file before you can use it with Avalanche.

To export a certificate to PKCS #12:

1.From a command line, navigate to:

[OpenSSL installation directory]\bin

2.Use the command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.p12 -inkey privateKey.key -in ca.pem

Where privateKey.key is the name of the key you created (either before creating the CSR, or when you generated a self-signed certificate), and ca.pem is the name of the certificate you are converting.

If you submitted a certificate signing request to a certificate authority and they sent back the certificate chain separate from the certificate, add -certfile intcert.crt to the end of the command, where intcert.crt is the name of the intermediate certificate.

3.Enter the pass phrase associated with the private key. Self-signed certificates created using the command given in Creating a Self-Signed Certificate will not request a pass phrase.

4.Enter an export password. Verify the export password again.

The PKCS #12 file is created in the OpenSSL installation directory.

For information on importing the new certificate to a Smart device server, see Importing Certificates for the Smart Device Server.

For information on configuring the Avalanche web server to use the certificate, see Configuring Tomcat to Use an SSL Certificate.

For information on using a certificate for Avalanche Remote Control, see Importing the Certificate for Remote Control.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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