WaveLinkFile Samples

The following sample code demonstrates the implementation and capabilities of the Class WaveLinkFile and its associated methods.

Java Sample


* This source code is for demonstration purposes only and should be treated as such.


* This application demonstrates the use of the various

* WaveLinkFile methods. It assumes a display area of 20x8.

* In practice, you should use a WaveLinkTerminal

* object to format output to fit the current device.


import com.wavelink.clientui.*;

import java.io.*;

public class JavaFileDemo extends WaveLinkApplication {

public void WaveLinkMain(String[] args)


WaveLinkIO ioIface = new WaveLinkIO();

WaveLinkFile fileIface = new WaveLinkFile();

String strBuffer, csBuffer;

int nTmp;

// The following lines clear the display and output the

// app title in reverse video.

try {

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, " Welcome To The ", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 1, " WaveLinkFile Demo ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 3, "Hit a key to proceed", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

// Hide the cursor for a cleaner display

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 20, "", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);


// The WaveLinkFile object provides an easy way for applications to store, retrieve, list,

// and delete files from the device. Sometimes it is desirable to determine if a

// particular file resides on the device. The use ofRFListFiles Method is the quickest and

// easiest method to do this.


// To find a particular file, pass the file name as the parameter to RFListFiles:

// nFound = rfFil.RFListFiles ("Target.dat")

// Since we just wish to list the files on the current RF device, we used the wildcard notation ("*.*").

nTmp = fileIface.RFFileCount();

// It would have been quicker to use the return value from RFListFiles instead of an additional function call, but RFFileCount was used for demonstration purposes.

for ( int lcv = 0; lcv < nTmp; lcv++ ) {

if ( (lcv % 7) == 0 ) ioIface.GetEvent();

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 0, " RF Device Files: ", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, lcv+1,fileIface.RFFileName(lcv), WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);



// When it is necessary to store data files on the device, the WaveLinkFile object provides

// methods to store, retrieve, and delete them.

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 2, "Storing data file...", WaveLinkIO.WLCLEAR | WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

strBuffer = "A string representing data to be"+"stored on a device!";

fileIface.RFStoreFile("FLDemo.dat", strBuffer);

ioIface.RFPrint (0, 3, "Getting data file...", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL | WaveLinkIO.WLFLUSHOUTPUT);

csBuffer = fileIface.RFGetFile("FLDemo.dat");

if ( strBuffer.equals(csBuffer) )

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 4, "Data Read Success!", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);


ioIface.RFPrint(0, 4, "Data Read Failure!", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 6, " Hit a key! ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE);

ioIface.RFPrint(0, 9, "", WaveLinkIO.WLNORMAL);


// Anytime an application changes the configuration of a device, it should return it to its

// original values during cleanup

// Each of these has its own methods for interacting with the device.


catch ( WaveLinkError wlErr ) {

//Do error handling





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