Troubleshooting Application Control for Linux

Basic troubleshooting help is provided in this section. Additional information is provided in the Application Control for Linux sections of the Application Control Help.

Windows Server

If you encounter issues and need to reinstall the Windows server solution it is strongly recommended you do this with logging explicitly activated in case the original installation provided no default logs.

1.Edit the command example below with the required path for your log files and run the Windows server installer:

IvantiAcServerMasterInstaller.exe -l "<path to where you want the log file.txt>"

Refer also to the Maintenance help page in Application Control.

Mosquitto – Extra Steps

In addition to the guidance suggested here, you may wish to refer to documentation.

1.The Mosquitto broker currently installed with Application Control for Linux requires Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015. The package can be downloaded from Microsoft .com.

Note that if your Windows machine is not up-to-date, this dependency may fail requiring a reinstall of the AcServerBundle.exe onto an updated machine.

2.To ensure the Mosquitto broker is running correctly, you can use an external tool to verify this such as MQTT.fx .
Older versions of this software are freely available from the original developer’s website, or refer to for licensing and free trial downloads.

Install MQTT.fx, open it, and establish a connection to your local Mosquitto profile.

You can now test publishing and subscribing to data on your local Mosquitto broker installation.

3.As a debug option, you can also verify the Mosquitto configuration file is correctly setup, make changes if required, and then restart Mosquitto using the modified version.
The action requires the following steps:

Stop any running Mosquitto broker.

View the content of the Mosquitto configuration file. If required, edit the file to match the following:


# Logging Settings


log_dest file C:\Program Files\mosquitto\mosquitto.log

log_type all

log_timestamp true

log_timestamp_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S

connection_messages true


# TLS Settings


#NOTE port 8883 is for TLS

port 8883

capath C:\Program Files\mosquitto\

certfile C:\Program Files\mosquitto\server.crt

keyfile C:\Program Files\mosquitto\server.key

#tls_version tlsv1.1


# Authentication Settings


auth_plugin C:\Program Files\mosquitto\MosquittoAuth.dll

auth_opt_StsUri https://BDARROW19:3123/st/console/token

auth_opt_StsReloadPeriod 30

allow_anonymous true

Start the Mosquitto Broker using the modified configuration file.
From a command prompt session with Administrator privileges, enter:

mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf -v

4.If MosquittoAuth.dll fails to install correctly in the Mosquitto broker installation folder the installation must be uninstalled, cleanup performed and the process restarted.
The default location for the MosquittoAuth.dll is C:\Program Files\Mosquitto.
Refer to Uninstall for further information.

Linux Endpoint

Refer also to the Maintenance help page in Application Control.

Prerequisites – Upgrade from Kernel 4 to Kernel 5

The steps below summarize how to upgrade a Linux kernel from 4.x to 5 and apply to CentOS 8. Depending upon your current version of Linux and your specific upgrade path you may have to resolve system and other application dependencies. For more detailed upgrade specific information refer to your Linux provider's website.

From a command prompt session with Administrator privileges enter the following commands:

:~$ su

:~# sudo rpm --import

Add the repository by installing an RPM package:

:~# sudo dnf install

Check the repository was successfully added:

:~# sudo dnf repolist

Check the installed version is as expected:

:~# sudo uname -r

Install the new kernel:

:~# sudo dnf --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml

Reboot the Linux machine - ensure you boot on Kernel

:~# sudo uname -r

The current Linux kernel is displayed.

Related topics:

Installation Overview


Install Windows Server

Install Linux


Application Control for Linux Utilization (opens Application Control Help)