What's new in Management Center?
Version 2020.3
Change Tracking
A new feature to track changes in Management Center has been added in this release. When enabled for a deployment group, it stores the timestamp, login ID, property and the previous and new values for the property. This feature is not enabled by default.
Simple Assignment of a Package to Several Deployment Groups
On the Packages tab, it is now possible to assign a package to multiple deployment groups. This means that administrators no longer have to manually add the package to each deployment group separately.
Certificates Installation
Following the addition of the ability to deploy certificates via Management Center, certificates follow the Agent and Configuration Schedules for their installation.
Encrypted SQL Communication
The Management/Personalization Server now supports encrypted (with certificate validation) communication with SQL.
Previous Versions

Ability to Deploy Password-Protected Certificate
To further support the capability to deploy to AAD-joined devices, this release includes the ability to deploy certificates from Management Center in order to simplify the deployment process.
For details, see Certificates View.
Ability to Disable “Applying installation manager policy” Message at Startup
Further to customer demand, it is now possible to alter or suppress the “Applying installation manager policy” Message. This can be done via the ccacmd using the below:
ccacmd /showmessage off
ccacmd /showmessage default
ccacmd /showmessage custom
ccacmd /custommessage “Ivanti Deployment Agent is Thinking…

Browser Manager Enhancement
Ivanti Browser Manager is our latest User Workspace Manager solution of which can be bundled within a UWM suite subscription. The 2022.1 release of Management Centre introduces support for the deployment of both Browser Manager Agents and Policies. The deployment objects can be managed in an identical fashion to the existing User Workspace Manager solutions, with import and export support available to and from the Browser Manager Policy console.

Management Center 2021.3 release contains bug fixes and code enhancements. There are no new features.

Upload Events Now action
A new action has been added to the management console - Upload Events Now. The action immediately upload events from Deployment Group endpoints to the server.
Refer to Deployment Group computers for further information.
Additional commands in the CCA Command Tool
Two commands have been added to enhance administration:
Initiates a poll to the server. -
Initiates a request to move the computer to another group
Refer to CCA Command Tool for more information.

In addition to code enhancements and bug fixes the following features are included:
Wildcards for Membership Rules using AD
Management Center 2020.3 supports the use of a wildcard when querying for Active Directory (AD) using Group or Container names. It is now possible to quickly search for similarly named AD groups within a single rule. Users should note that using a wildcard query carries a higher CPU burden on the Active Directory server so Group and Container matching should be used where possible.
For further information refer to Membership Rules.

In addition to code enhancements and bug fixes the following features are included:
Telemetry help us measure the reliability and usage of our products. It can help us prioritize, and focus upon the areas which are most valuable to customers. The current release of Management Center gathers basic telemetry data by default.
For further information refer to Telemetry.
Easier Access to Further Information
In addition to this online help system, Ivanti provides a wealth of supporting information in the form of online documents, help videos and curated community articles. In the 2020.2 release we have collated these resources into a summary table and made this available via the Release Notes and from the online Help landing page.

In addition to code enhancements and bug fixes the following features are included:
Management Center 2020.1 release has been localized and now supports the following 5 languages:
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Selection of the language setting required is described in the Language Settings help topic within User Workspace Manager.
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 support
Management Server, Console, Licensing Console and Agent components are all compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
For more information on supported software see the Maintained Platforms Matrix.

Management Center 2019.1 SP2 release contains bug fixes and code enhancements. There are no new features.

Deployment of Ivanti Cloud Agent
Ivanti Cloud provides real-time insight on endpoint devices allowing IT to identify issues affecting device health and productivity of users whilst providing recommended actions to ensure high productivity and business continuity.
Ivanti Management Center 2019.1 SP1 enables the Ivanti Cloud agent, and its associated options file, to be distributed to endpoints across your organization from a centralized point, making adoption of Ivanti Cloud fast and simple.
Simply download the Ivanti Cloud agent and its unique options file from an Ivanti Cloud tenant, import them as packages into the Management Center and apply them to Deployment Groups for instant deployment and installation on managed endpoints, irrespective of enterprise size.
For further details on this feature refer to the Example - Ivanti Cloud agent deployment .
Context sensitive help improvements
The Management Center context-sensitive help system has been extended to provide improved access to relevant help topics directly from the console. In addition, anonymous telemetry within the Ivanti help system can provide us with insights into how the system is being used.
Examples of the data gathered include:
The most visited help pages
The most searched-for terms
The navigation paths from specific pages
This data enables us to focus development effort and resource on key areas of the product to help improve features and simplify the user experience.

No new features are included with the 2019.1 release.

Management Database Scheduled Computer Maintenance
In the 10.1 FR4 release we introduced a Maintenance section to the console. This facilitates the creation, modification and status toggling of event housekeeping jobs from the Management console. In the 2018.3 release of the Management Center this maintenance functionality has been extended to allow for the scheduled removal of machines, to simplify ongoing administration.
For more information, see Maintenance
Deployment Group Computer Count
Prior to 10.1 FR2 it was possible from within the Management console to easily see the number of machines per Deployment Group. Following feedback from existing customers, we have reinstated this count allowing an administrator to see how many machines are present within a Deployment Group, for example, when filtering.
For more information, see Deployment Group Computers.

Help content has been removed because this release is no longer supported. The release enhancements are provided here for reference only.
New UI for Scheduled Event Maintenance in Home > [Server] > Maintenance.
Create maintenance schedules to remove events from the Management Server database using a range of scheduling options.
Clone Deployment Group
New Clone Deployment Group action in Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > Actions panel.
All the deployment group settings are cloned with the exception of the Membership Rules. It is not possible to clone the Default deployment group.

Help content has been removed because this release is no longer supported. The release enhancements are provided here for reference only.
Scheduled Event Maintenance
New functionality to allow the administrator to schedule event maintenance on the Management Server database.
The functionality is available as Management Server Powershell cmdlets providing the administrators the ability to target different selection of events and alerts on specified days and times based on criteria such as age of events, event ID or deployment group.

Help content has been removed because this release is no longer supported. The release enhancements are provided here for reference only.
Product rebrand to User Workspace Manager (UWM)
The Management Center branding has been updated to reflect that it is now part of the User Workspace Manager (UWM) suite of products, formerly known as DesktopNow.
There may still be references to DesktopNow in certain components, for example in the Registry or Windows Services.
Event Maintenance
New functionality to allow the administrator to remove events and related alerts from the Management Server database. This allows easier management of the size of the database to ensure a high level of console performance.
The functionality is available as Management Server Powershell cmdlets, providing administrators with the ability to target different selections of events and alerts based on criteria such as age of events, event ID or deployment group.
Reconciled Discovered Machines
Web Service API and database schema improvements to improve console performance when deploying agent and configurations in large scale environments.

Help content has been removed because this release is no longer supported. The release enhancements are provided here for reference only.
Management Center rebrand to Ivanti
The Management Center console has been updated to reflect the new company name of Ivanti.
You may still see references to the AppSense name used in certain areas, such as the Registry or Windows Services.
Console Refresh
The Management Center console has an icon set update in response to customer feedback on the 10.0 console.
SQL Mirroring Support
Support for SQL Mirroring has been reinstated for 10.1 FR1. Please note that our best practice for this use case is to utilize SQL Always On.

Help content has been removed because this release is no longer supported. The release enhancements are provided here for reference only.
Evaluation Mode Installations
When using Evaluation mode the installer will install the products into the default website using port 80.
Deployment Statistics
The Deployment Statistics feature provides reporting on the number of agents and configurations deployed for each of the User Workspace Manager products. This assists with verifying the following information:
- Number of agents installed
- Number of configurations installed
- Number of installed agents that have polled in within the last 30 days
For further information see Deployment Statistics.
Upgrade to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Management Server, Console, Licensing Console and Agent components have been upgraded to utilize the latest technology stack. The following specific details have been included in v10.1:
- The .NET framework has been updated to use .NET 4.6.1
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package Update 3 - 14.0.24123.0
- Installer projects have been updated to use Wix 3.10.2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 & Microsoft Windows 10 Compatibility
Management Server, Console, Licensing Console and Agent components are all compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft Windows 10.
Single Management Center & Server Configuration Portal Log File
A single log file is created in the following locations:
Server Configuration Portal - %ProgramData%\Ivanti\SCU
Management Server - %ProgramData%\Ivanti\Management_[InstanceName]