Event Viewer
Event Viewer, a powerful query tool, allows you to view, group, and filter or search events and use those events to modify or create configuration rules by copying or dragging and dropping. Event Viewer queries are based on event types and can easily be customized to focus on specific time periods, users, or machines and then filtered or searched to identify specific event attributes.
Knowledge Base Articles
Please refer to Application Control Landing Page Configuration Best Known Methods on the Ivanti Community Forum for further information.
In this section:
Use then Event Viewer to review audit data on an iterative basis at the initial setup of Application Control and modify the configuration accordingly. Create specific queries in response to user requests or operational requirements. Performing such reviews periodically ensures your configuration remains fit for its purpose and meets the requirements of users across your organization.
The following videos provide an introduction to the Event Viewer feature:
Example use-case: Privilege Discovery (4m)
The Event Viewer tool is available only for Ivanti, Inc. Management Center users where Management Center is used to collect event data. Users must upgrade to the latest versions of both Application Control and Management Center to ensure the Event Viewer returns data as expected.
For a list of Application Event IDs recorded in Management Center, refer to Available Events or to Help Desk Portal Request Logging.
Event Viewer actions
Right-click within a column header and choose an action:
Sort Ascending: Sorts the selected column in ascending order.
Sort Descending: Sorts the selected column in descending order.
Clear Sorting: Clears sorting criteria.
Group By This Column: Groups the list using the data in the selected column. Creates one expandable list for each possible column value.
If you perform this action on any subsequent columns, that data presents as nested groups at increasingly lower levels within the expandable lists.
If Show Group Panel is enabled, this shows the "Group By" boxes in the area immediately above the column headers.
- To turn off the Group By This Column feature and revert to the original view:
- Enable Show Group Panel.
- Right-click each Group By box and select Ungroup.
- right-click in the column header and select Hide Group Panel.
Show Group Panel / Hide Group Panel: Displays or hides an area immediately above the column headers that contains "Group By" boxes. One "Group By" box will be displayed for each column header for which Group By This Column is currently enabled. You can also drag column headers to and from this area.
The table will be grouped according to the data in the box. If there are two or more boxes, the grouping will be nested, with the left-most box presented at the highest level, the second box presented at the second level, etc.
Show Column Chooser: Use the Column Chooser to add and hide data in the grid. You can also reorder the columns.
Best Fit: Resizes the width of the selected column so that the header text is displayed in the optimal amount of space.
Best Fit (all columns): Resizes the width of all columns in the table so that the header text is displayed in the optimal amount of space.
Filter Editor: The Filter Editor shows any advanced filters currently active. Use the editor to modify the existing filter criteria and to build new criteria using filter conditions and logical operators.