Browser Client Good to Know

Use these tips for helpful information on the CSM Browser Client.

  • The CSM Browser Client consumes a CSM license. Licensing controls how many users can log into CSM. CSM uses a concurrent or "floating" licensing model. This means that a fixed number of licenses are shared among a group of users/customers, and that a fixed number of people can simultaneously access the product. License codes determine the number of people who can log in at any given time.
  • Some features behave differently in the Browser Client than they do in the Desktop Client. See Browser Client Features for more information.
  • Browser Client Knowledge supports Knowledge Articles, Search, and Sources. However, Search and Sources are limited to internal sources only for the Browser Client.
  • While Dashboards cannot be created or edited in the Browser Client, they can be viewed. Dashboard Widgets can be drilled into to pull up Reports or metrics related to it. Browser Client Dashboards reflect personal settings made in the Desktop Client and in CSM Administrator.
  • Some forms have a special browser view. This means some information in a form is displayed (such as client name), while other sensitive or secure information (such as social security number) is blocked out. While this is predominantly the case with the CSM Portal and Mobile Clients, the Browser Client can be configured to do this through CSM Administrator.
  • Security rights control access to CSM functionality and are configured in the Security Group Manager in CSM Administrator (Security > Edit Security Groups). For more information, see Configure Browser and Mobile Device Security Rights.