Knowledge Article Workflow One-Step Actions

CSM provides numerous OOTB Knowledge Article Workflow One-Step Actions.

The following One-Step Actions are used to process the Knowledge Article Workflow:

  • Submit For Review
  • Technical Review Complete
  • Format Review Complete
  • Publish

Submit For Review One-Step Action

The Submit For Review One-Step Action runs when the User clicks Next: Technical Review on the Knowledge Article Form.
  • Scope: Blueprint
  • Description: Knowledge Article submitted for Technical Review.
  • Conditions: One-Step Action is allowed to run against: Single record or a group of records.

Submit For Review Steps

Submit For Review One-Step Action

Step Name Description Action(s) Expression(s)
Show a Popup When the creator of the Knowledge Article selects Next: Technical Review on the Knowledge Article Form, a popup message appears thanking the creator for the submission.

Automated: Displays popup message.

User: Selects OK button.

Step only runs if Expression is True:

Knowledge Article.Status is not equal to Retired

Create Audit Record Adds two audit records to the History tab: (1) the name of the User who created the Knowledge Article and (2) the name of the User who submitted the Knowledge Article. Automated: Adds an audit record using template text in the Journal - History > Details field:

'Article Creator: [Knowledge Article.Created By]

Article was submitted for technical review by: [CurrentUserDisplayName]'

Step only runs if Expression is True:

Knowledge Article.Status is not equal to Retired

Set Status to Technical Review Changes the Status to Technical Review and the Next Status Text to Technical Review Complete. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Technical Review and the Next Status Text to Technical Review Complete. Saves the Business Object after action.
Set Owned By Team Sets the Owned By Team field (displayed on the Knowledge Article Form as Assigned Team) to the same value as the Technical Review Team. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Owned By Team field to match the Value of the Technical Review Team. Saves the Business Object after action. The Value of the Technical Review Team is determined by the selection made on the Knowledge Article Form in the Category field. See the table in OOTB Knowledge Management Teams for a list of Teams and how they correlate with the selected Category.
Email Technical Review Team Sends an email to the Technical Review Team informing them that the Knowledge Article is ready for review and attaches the email record to the Knowledge Article's History. Automated: Email sent to the Technical Review Team via the default user account.
  • To: [To Email]
  • Subject: Please Review Knowledge Article [Knowledge Article.Knowledge Article ID]
  • Format: HTML format (*.html;*.htm)
  • Priority: Normal
Email record is also:
  • Attached to the current record's history.
  • Attached to recipients in TO line.
  • Attached to recipients in CC line.
The Value of the Technical Review Team is determined by the selection made on the Knowledge Article Form in the Category field. See the table in OOTB Knowledge Management Teams for a list of Teams and how they correlate with the selected Category.
Refresh Runs the Refresh command to update the display. Automated: Runs the Refresh command.

Technical Review Complete One-Step Action

The Technical Review Complete One-Step Action runs when the User clicks Next: Technical Review Complete on the Knowledge Article Form.
  • Scope: Blueprint
  • Description: Technical Review Team has completed its review of the Knowledge Article.
  • Conditions: One-Step Action is allowed to run against: Single record or a group of records.

Technical Review Complete Steps

Technical Review Complete One-Step Action

Step Name Description Action(s) Expression(s)
Must be a Technical Review Team Member

If a User who is not a member of the Technical Review Team selects Next: Technical Review Complete, a popup message displays stating, "You must be a member of the Technical Review Team."

Automated: Displays popup message.

User: Selects OK button.

Step only runs if Expression is True; otherwise the One-Step Action continues to the next step:

Is Member of Technical Review Team expression equals false

Technical Review Team If the User who selected Next: Technical Review Complete is not a member of the Technical Review Team, the One-Step Action stops running.

If the User is a member of the Technical Review Team, the One-Step Action continues to the next step.

Automated: One-Step Action stops running if User is not a member of the Technical Review Team; otherwise it continues to the next step.

Step only runs if Expression is True; otherwise the One-Step Action continues to the next step:

Is Member of Technical Review Team expression equals false

Decide Between Multiple Cases Determines which of the following paths to take based on specific field values on the form:
  • Set Status to Format Review (if the Visible on Customer Portal check box is selected)
  • Set Status to Pending Publish Date (if the Publish Date is set to the future)
  • Set Status to Published (default path if none of the above conditions are true)
Automated: Follows the path where the Expression is True. One-Step Action follows one of three paths where Expression is True with priority from top to bottom as follows:
  • Follow path to Set Status to Format Review step if: Knowledge Article.Visible to Customer Portal equals True
  • Follow path to Set Status to Pending Publish Date step if: Knowledge Article.Publish Date (date) is greater than CurrentDateTime()
  • If none of the above conditions are true, the Default path is to the Set Status to Published step.
Set Status to Format Review If the Visible on Customer Portal check box is selected, changes the KA Status to Format Review and the Next Status Text to Format Review Complete. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Format Review and the Next Status Text to Format Review Complete. Saves the Business Object after action.
Set Status to Pending Publish Date If the Publish Date is set to the future, changes the KA Status to Pending Publish Date. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Pending Publish Date.
Set Status to Published If the Visible on Customer Portal check box is not selected and the Publish Date is not set to the future, changes the KA Status to Published and the Next Status Text to Retire this Article.

The Publish One-Step Action runs.

Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Published and the Next Status Text to Retire this Article.

The Publish One-Step Action runs.

Set Owned By Team Sets the Owned By Team field (displayed on the form as Assigned Team) to the same value as the Format Review Team. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Owned By Team field to match the Value of the Format Review Team. Saves the Business Object after action. The Value of the Format Review Team is determined by the selection made on the Knowledge Article Form in the Category field. See the table in OOTB Knowledge Management Teams for a list of Teams and how they correlate with the selected Category.
Set Owned By Saves the Knowledge Article. Automated: Saves the Business Object after action.
Email Format Review Team Sends an email to the Format Review Team informing them that the Knowledge Article is ready for review and attaches the email record to the Knowledge Article's History. Automated: Email sent to the Format Review Team via the default user account.
  • To: [To Email]
  • Subject: Please Review Knowledge Article [Knowledge Article.Knowledge Article ID]
  • Format: HTML format (*.html;*.htm)
  • Priority: Normal
Email record is also:
  • Attached to the current record's history.
  • Attached to recipients in TO line.
  • Attached to recipients in CC line.
The Value of the Format Review Team is determined by the selection made on the Knowledge Article Form in the Category field. See the table in OOTB Knowledge Management Teams for a list of Teams and how they correlate with the selected Category.

Format Review Complete One-Step Action

The Format Review Complete One-Step Action runs when the User clicks Next: Format Review Complete on the Knowledge Article Form.
  • Scope: Blueprint
  • Description: Format Review Team has completed its review of the Knowledge Article.
  • Conditions: One-Step Action is allowed to run against: Single record or a group of records.

Format Review Complete Steps

Format Review Complete One-Step Action

Step Name Description Action(s) Expression(s)
Format Review Team (1)

If a User who is not a member of the Format Review Team selects Next: Format Review Complete, a popup message displays stating, "You must be a member of the Format Review Team."

Automated: Displays popup message.

User: Selects OK button.

Step only runs if Expression is True; otherwise the One-Step Action continues to the next step:

Is Member of Format Review Team expression equals false

Format Review Team (2) If the User who selected Next: Format Review Complete is not a member of the Format Review Team, the One-Step Action stops running.

If the User is a member of the Format Review Team, the One-Step Action continues to the next step.

Automated: One-Step Action stops running if User is not a member of the Format Review Team; otherwise it continues to the next step.

Step only runs if Expression is False; otherwise the One-Step Action continues to the next step:

Is Member of Format Review Team expression equals true

Set Owned By Team Sets the Owned By Team field (displayed on the form as Assigned Team) to the same value as the Technical Review Team. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Owned By Team field to match the Value of the Technical Review Team. Saves the Business Object after action. The Value of the Technical Review Team is determined by the selection made on the Knowledge Article Form in the Category field. See the table in OOTB Knowledge Management Teams for a list of Teams and how they correlate with the selected Category.
Decide Between Multiple Cases Determines which of the following paths to take based on specific field values on the form:
  • Set Status to Pending Publish Date (if the Publish Date is set to the future)
  • Set Status to Published (default path if above condition is not true)
Automated: Follows the path where the Expression is True. One-Step Action follows one of three paths where Expression is True with priority from top to bottom as follows:
  • Follow path to Set Status to Pending Publish Date step if: Knowledge Article.Publish Date (date) is greater than CurrentDateTime()
  • If the above condition is not true, the Default path is to the Set Status to Published step.
Set to Pending Publish Date If the Publish Date is set to the future, changes the KA Status to Pending Publish Date. Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Pending Publish Date.
Set to Published If the Publish Date is not set to the future, changes the KA Status to Published and the Next Status Text to Retire this Article.

The Publish One-Step Action runs.

Automated: Changes the Value of the Knowledge Article > Status field to Published and the Next Status Text to Retire this Article.

The Publish One-Step Action runs.

Publish One-Step Action

If a Knowledge Manager is also the creator of Knowledge Article, they can bypass the Knowledge Article Workflow and go straight to publishing the article.

As part of the Knowledge Article Workflow, the Publish One-Step Action runs once the Status on the Knowledge Article Form changes to Published from the Technical Review Complete or Format Review Complete One-Step Actions.
  • Scope: Blueprint
  • Description: Knowledge Article is published.
  • Conditions: One-Step Action is allowed to run against: Single record or a group of records.

Publish Steps

Publish One-Step Action

Step Name Description Action(s) Expression(s)
Publish This One-Step Action can be manually run by a member of the Knowledge Management Team.

User: Can manually run this One-Step Action if a member of the Knowledge Management Team.

Step only runs if Expression is True:

CurrentUserRecordID() Is member of team [GUID]

The GUID in this expression is the TeamDef ID of the Knowledge Management team.
Publish and Verify Visibility to the Portal Sets the Published Date, Status, and Visible to Customer Portal (if applicable) fields. Automated: Sets the Published Date to the Current Date and Time.

Changes the Status to Published.

Prompts for the Customer Portal, if visible.

Published Date set by Custom Expression: CurrentDateTime
Reset Review Date Runs the Reset Review Date One-Step Action. Automated: Runs the Reset Review Date One-Step Action, which sets the Review Date field to one year from the current date. (This field can also be manually modified on the Knowledge Article Form.)

Additional One-Step Actions

A full list of One-Step Actions is beyond the scope of this document. Export a schema document from CSM Administrator (Create a Blueprint > Tools > Export Schema) to view a full list of One-Step Actions associated with a particular type of Business Object (example: Major).