Using Trusted Agents Server with LDAP

Use your LDAP connection with Trusted Agents to authenticate users, import Directory Services users, and import Directory Service data into Business Objects.

Before enabling LDAP for Trusted Agents, you must first configure Trusted Agents. For more information, see Configuring Trusted Agents.

To enable LDAP for Trusted Agents:

  1. Verify that CSM is configured for LDAP:
    • In CSM Administrator, select the Security category and then select the Edit Security Settings task. Select each client page (Desktop Client, Browser Client, etc.) and verify that LDAP is selected as a login mode.
    • Create or open a Blueprint, and then select Tools>Directory Services. Edit an LDAP connection, and then verify that the Map LDAP Object settings are applied.
  2. On the Map LDAP Object dialog, select the Trusted Agents page.
  3. Select the Use Trusted Agents check box.
    If you want to disable Trusted Agents for a specific LDAP connection, clear the Use Trusted Agents check box.
  4. Select one of these group options:
    • Any Trusted Agent Group: Select to allow any group to handle requests for this LDAP Connection.
    • Trusted Agent Group: Select a specific group to handle requests for this LDAP connection.
  5. Select the General tab.
  6. Optionally, select the Client-side LDAP (for SaaS) check box.
    This setting is not required for Trusted Agents, but it may complement its use by reducing round trips between CSM Administrator and LDAP directories for activities initiated within CSM Administrator using an Application Server and 3-tier connection. This setting does not impact LDAP interactions that are initiated by Cherwell services that use a direct-to-database and 2-tier connection.
  7. Select OK.