CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure the Client Connection

Use the Connection Wizard to configure the Client connection (App Server/3-tier connection between the Client machine and the Cherwell Application Server).

In most cases, the Connection Wizard is launched and the Client connection configured during the Auto-Deploy configuration so that it can be pushed out to users using the Auto-Deploy feature. See Configure the Server Connection.

Important: Using a proxy server during configuration is not supported or recommended. Proxy servers can change request headers and cache information, both of which can cause unknown and unexpected issues with the CSM Desktop Client and web applications.

To configure the Client connection:

  1. Open the Connection Wizard in one of the following ways:
    • Manually open the Connection Wizard from the Auto-Deploy Configuration window by selecting Connection.
    • Manually open the Connection Wizard from the Connect to CSM window by selecting Add.
    • If an existing user and a CSM connection is already configured, the Connection Wizard does not appear but there is a prompt to update the database either during the installation process or on first run of an application if an update is required.
  2. Review the introductory text, and then select Next.
  3. Select Connect to a Cherwell Server (because this is an Application Server/3-tier connection), and then select Next.
  4. Specify where to find the Cherwell Application Server, and then select Next. For details on specifying the server location, refer to Client Connection Options.
  5. Provide a name and description for the Client connection, and then select Next.
    Note: There cannot be two connections with the same name, so we recommend a name like Company Cherwell.
  6. (Optional) Select Test Connection to verify that the connection to the server/database.
    Note: The Cherwell Application Server must be running in order to successfully test a 3-tier connection. If the Application Server is not running (first time install or paused), manually start it using the Server Manager (select Start>All Programs>Cherwell Service Management>Tools>Server Manager, then select the Cherwell Application Sever and select Start Server).
    Note: It is possible to finish creating the connection without testing the connection.
  7. Select Finish.

    CSM creates the Client connection.

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