CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Tour a Dashboard

Dashboards are highly configurable so no two Dashboards necessarily look or behave alike.

The following figure shows an example Dashboard. The individual components are different kinds of Widgets.

  1. Text Widget (Expression-driven): Displays the current day and date.
  2. Link Widget: Opens another Dashboard (ex: Global IT Dashboard).
  3. Gauge Widget with Text: Displays the current number of open records (ex: Open Incidents) by type.
  4. Gauge Widget with Text (Expression-driven, text, and visibility): Displays alert when a threshold is passed (ex: SLA warnings and breaches).
  5. Image Widget: Displays a custom image (ex: company logo).
  6. Chart Widget (Stacked Bar): Displays workloads by department.
  7. Filter Widget: Filters all Widgets by time (ex: Today, Yesterday, Within last week, etc.).
  8. Chart Widget (Doughnut): Displays Incident workloads by department.
  9. Matrix Widget: Displays daily record closure rates.

The following types of Widgets are also available for use on Dashboards:

  • Action Catalog Widget: Embeds a service catalog within a Dashboard.
  • Browser Widget: Serves as an embedded iFrame to display other HTML Pages or websites. (ex: Your company's website).
  • Command Palette Widget: Displays a list of one or more executable Actions (run a command or display a CSM Item).
  • RSS Feed Widget: Displays frequently updated information, such as news or blog entries, from a particular feed.
  • Search Widget: Displays a Search Control that can be used to run Quick Searches or specific searches.
  • Search Results List Widget: Displays a list of records that meets search criteria.
  • Twitter Feed Widget: Displays entries from a Twitter account or search.
    Tip: In the Desktop Client, use the Dashboard context (right-click) menu to quickly access common Dashboard operations.

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