CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Blueprint Editor Menu Bar

Use the Blueprint Editor menu bar to access common Blueprint tasks.

Note: The Blueprint Editor menu bar is dynamic so options vary depending on what is active in the Blueprint Editor main pane. For example, when the Object Manager is active, several additional options are available on the Edit menu; when a grid is active in the Object Manager, the Grid Menu Bar item appears with grid-specific commands; when a form is active in the Object Manager, the Form Menu Bar item appears with form-specific commands; etc.

File Menu

Action Description
Save Blueprint to disk Saves changes to the active Blueprint.
Save As Saves the new or active Blueprint as a named .bp file.
Close Blueprint Closes the Blueprint, but not CSM Administrator. If the Blueprint is not yet saved to a named .bp file, you are prompted to name and save it. If changes are not yet saved, you are prompted to save them to the active .bp file.
Print Grid

Prints the active grid.

Only displayed when a grid is active in the main pane.

Export Grid

Exports the active grid.

Only displayed when a grid is active in the main pane.

Scan Blueprint Scans the active Blueprint for potential errors.
Publish Blueprint Publishes the active Blueprint to a test or live system.
Blueprint Changes Opens a window, and then view the items that have been added, changed, or deleted in the active Blueprint.
Exit Exits CSM Administrator. If you are working in a Blueprint and have unsaved changes, CSM prompts you to save your changes.

View Menu

Selects what to display in the Blueprint Editor main pane.

Action Description
Object Manager Opens the Object Manager Home page. For more information about the Object Manager, refer to the Business Object documentation.
Definition Reviewer Opens the Definition Reviewer. You can then review and modify forms, grids, and Form Arrangements for all Business Objects.
View Business Object Opens the Business Object Editor. You can then manage the active Business Object.
View Relationship Opens the Relationship Editor. You can then manage relationships for the active Business Object.
View Form Opens the Form Editor. You can then manage forms for the active Business Object.
View Grid Opens the Grid Editor. You can then manage grids for the active Business Object.
View Arrangement Opens the Form Arrangement Editor. You can then manage the Form Arrangement for the active Business Object.
Find Dependencies Displays the active Business Object's dependencies.

Edit Menu

Action Description
Cut Moves the selected item to the clipboard. You can then paste the item into a new location.
Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard. You can then paste the item to a new location.
Paste Inserts an item from the clipboard to a new location.

Managers Menu

Action Description
Adaptive Layout Presets Opens the Adaptive Layout Preset Manager.
Attachment Manager Opens the Attachment Manager.
Automation Processes Opens the Automation Process Manager.
Business Hours Opens the Business Hours Manager.
Calendar Manager Opens the Calendar Manager.
Counters Opens the Counter Manager.
Dashboards Opens the Dashboard Manager, Widget Manager, Metric Manager, or Color Palette Manager.
Database Server Objects Opens the Database Server Objects Manager.
Document Repositories Opens Document Repository Manager.
E-mail and Event Monitoring Opens the E-mail and Event Monitoring Manager.
Expressions Opens the Expression Manager.
External Connections Opens the External Connections Manager.
Canonical Definitions Opens the Canonical Definitions Manager.
Formats Opens the Stored Format Manager.
Group Maps Opens the Group Map Manager.
HTML Page Manager Opens the HTML Page Manager. This allows you to add an HTML page to a Blueprint. To create/edit an internal HTML page, see Manage HTML Pages.
Images Opens the Image Manager.
Knowledge Opens Knowledge Mapping Manager, and Knowledge Source Manager.
Language Packs Opens the Language Pack Manager.
Locked Strings Opens the Locked Strings Manager.
One-Step Action Opens the One-Step Action Manager.
Prompts Opens the Prompts Manager.
Queues Opens the Queue Manager.
Reports Opens the Reports Manager.
Scheduled Items Opens the Scheduled Items Manager.
Searches Opens the Search Manager.
Site Manager Opens the Portal Site Manager.
Stored Imports Opens the Stored Imports Manager.
Stored Values Opens the Stored Value Manager.
Teams Opens the Team Manager.
Themes Opens the Theme Manager.
Twitter Account Manager Opens the Twitter Account Manager.
Visualizations Opens the Visualization Manager.
Web Services Opens the Web Services Manager.
Webhooks Opens the Webhooks Manager.

Tools Menu

Action Description
Directory Services Opens the Directory Services window. You can then configure and manage your Directory Service integrations (example: Active Directory, LDAP, etc.).
Windows Domains Opens the Windows Domains dialog. You can edit your domain connection.
Canonical Mapping Wizard Opens the Map Canonical Object Wizard. You can use the wizard to map a Canonical object to a Business Object. For more information, see Canonical REST API Mapping Wizard.
Foreign Key Administration Opens the Foreign Key Administration dialog. You can automatically configure all shared foreign keys in your system. For more information, see Foreign Key Administration.
Export Schema Exports a Blueprint Schema to a .bp file.
View Publish Log Displays the Published Blueprint Log.
Options Opens the Blueprint Options window. You can then define global database settings (example: Timeout values, foreign keys, transaction log, grid and form display settings, etc.).

Localization Menu

Action Description

Culture Quick Swap (CTRL+Q)

Switch between the preferred culture and the last selected culture.

Preferred Culture (CTRL+D)

Switch to the preferred culture.

Previous Culture (CTRL+L)

Switch to the last culture you selected.

Help Menu

Action Description
Blueprint Help

Opens the online help.

Report Error

Opens the Report Error window so you can report an error to Cherwell.

About Opens an About window to view version and licensing information for CSM.

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