CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


The Upgrade Process

Learn the recommended process for upgrading all CSM components. We recommend that you upgrade all components at the same time.

Note: If you make changes to any web.config files just prior to upgrading, restart IIS to ensure your updates are preserved.
Task Notes

1. Prior to upgrade, stop all CSM Services.

Use the Server Manager or the Configuration Command Line Utility to stop the Application Server and the Cherwell Service Host. See Application Server Command-Line Options and CherwellMQS Command Line Options.

Use the Windows Services Manager or the Configuration Command Line Utility to stop the Cherwell Message Queue Service.

2. Upgrade the Cherwell server.

Follow the steps to Run the Server Installation.

3. Configure the server connection.

Perform this task when prompted by the server installation.

Follow the steps to Configure the Server Connection.

3. Upgrade the web applications.

Follow the steps to Run the Web Applications Installation.

4. Configure Auto-Deploy during the upgrade of the web applications.

This task is only required if Auto-Deploy was not configured during the original installation of CSM.

Follow the steps for Configuring Auto-Deploy.

5. Upgrade remote instances of server applications.

This includes the Cherwell Service Host and all Trusted Agents Servers.

Follow the steps in Upgrading Remote Servers.

6. Reboot the installation server.

If you installed CSM and Portal and Browser Apps on different servers, reboot both servers.

7. Restart all CSM services.

Use the Server Manager to start the Application Server and the Cherwell Service Host.

Use the Windows Services Manager or the Configuration Command Line Utility to start the Cherwell Message Queue Service.

8. Run Auto-Deploy or manually upgrade Desktop Clients.

Follow the steps to Use Auto-Deploy or Run the Client Installation.

9. Instruct CSM web application users to clear their browser cache.

This includes the CSM Portal, CSM Browser Client, and the REST API Discovery Tool.

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