Add mApp Solution Elements to Portal Incident Forms

Use the Form Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator) to add mApp Solution elements to the Portal Incident Form.

This functionality is only available if you have applied the Submit on Behalf Of mApp Solution.

  1. From the Current view drop-down list, select Portal Default.
  2. In the Business Object tree, select Incident.
  3. Under Appearance, select the Edit form link.

There are two options for adding elements of this mApp Solution to the Default Portal Form:

  • Replace the existing Default Portal Form with the pre-configured Form from the mApp Solution.

    This option is ideal for Customers that have not customized their Default Portal Form.

  • Add elements to the existing Default Portal Form manually.

    This option is ideal for Customers that have customized their Default Portal Form.

Replace Existing Portal Form with Pre-Configured Form

To replace the existing Default Portal Form with the pre-configured Form from the mApp Solution:

  1. From the Form drop-down list, select Default Form.

    If there are two Default Form options, select the Default Form with the Portal design.

  2. From the menu bar, select Form > Form properties. Rename the Form to something that will label it as the old Form (example: Old Portal Default Form).
  3. Select OK.
  4. From the Form drop-down list, select Submit-On-Behalf-Portal.
  5. Select Yes when prompted to apply Incident Form changes back to the Blueprint.
  6. From the menu bar, select Form > Make this the default standard form.
  7. Select Yes.

Add Submit On Behalf Of Text Link to View-Only Portal Form

To add the Submit On Behalf Of text link to the Default Portal Form:

  1. From the Form drop-down list, select Submit On Behalf Of Selector.
  2. Select and copy the Submitted by on behalf of text link (under the text below the View Only/Edit Existing Portal Forms heading).
  3. Select Home to open the Object Manager.
  4. Select Yes when prompted to apply Incident Form changes back to the Blueprint.
  5. Under Appearance, select the Edit view-only form link.
  6. Paste the text link on the Form.
  7. With the text link still selected, right-click and select Position.

    The recommended coordinates are as follows:

    Adaptive Layout Left Top
    Base Layout - 919 46 442
    Small - 414 17 412
  8. Select OK.
  9. Repeat steps 2-8 for each Adaptive Layout.
  10. Select the text link and right-click Localization Options > Copy between cultures.
  11. Select the Copy values to the following cultures option and select all cultures that apply.
  12. Select Apply.
  13. Repeat steps 9-12 for each Adaptive Layout.
  14. Save the Blueprint.

Add Submit On Behalf Of Text Link to Edit Existing Portal Form

To add the Submit On Behalf Of text link to the Edit Existing Portal Form:

  1. Select Home to open the Object Manager.
  2. Under Appearance, select the Edit "edit existing" form link.
  3. Repeat steps 2-8 in the section above for each Adaptive Layout.

    The recommended coordinates are as follows:

    Adaptive Layout Left Top
    Base Layout - 936 46 442
    Small - 414 17 412
  4. Select the text link and right-click Localization Options > Copy between cultures.
  5. Select the Copy values to the following cultures option and select all cultures that apply.
  6. Select Apply.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each Adaptive Layout.
  8. Publish the Blueprint.

Manually Add Elements to Existing Portal Form

To manually add elements to the existing Default Portal Form from the mApp Solution:

  1. Follow the steps in Manually Add Elements to Existing Incident Form in Add mApp Solution Elements to the Default Incident Form.
  2. Publish the Blueprint.

Remember: If you make changes to the Forms (add or move elements), be sure to apply the changes to the languages you will be using.