Form Editor

The Form Editor is a tool within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator that lets you manage (create, edit, clone, and delete) forms. You can define how a form and its controls look and behave.

When you make changes in the Form Editor, the changes are immediately reflected in the preview. Publish a Blueprint to commit the changes. The Form Editor contains:


Form Menu Bar item: Displays form-specific commands. This menu is displayed on the Blueprint Editor menu bar only when a form is active.


Blueprint Editor Toolbar: Displays common Blueprint operations.

When using the Form Editor, the cut, copy, paste and delete options are removed from the Blueprint Editor toolbar and displayed on the Form Editor toolbar instead.


Forms list: Lists the forms defined for the selected Business Object. To open a form in a tab, double-click the form in the Forms list. The default form for each form type (if one exists) is underlined.

To widen or narrow the forms list, drag the horizontal margin. If the Show in folders button is selected (default), you can collapse or expand the tree list of form types.


Tab group: When you double-click a form in the Forms list, the form is opened on a tab. You can reorder and float/dock tabs. For more information, see Simultaneous Form Editing.

The selected tab shows the active form. The active form is not determined by the form selected in the Forms list.


Form Editor Toolbar: Displays commands for formatting the appearance and behaviors of a form and its form controls.

The Form Editor toolbar commands differ slightly for forms with classic or universal themes applied.


Search Control / Show in folders button: Use to quickly locate and display fields. See Form Editor Behaviors.

You can also use the separate Search Control / Show in folders button for the Forms list.


Adaptive Layout Guide Bar: Shows the breakpoints for the Adaptive Layouts that are configured for the form. A triangle indicates the layout that is currently selected.


Fields tree: Lists the Business Object fields you can add to the form (as controls). Fields are organized alphabetically and by folder. To add a field to a form, select it in the Fields tree and drag it onto the form.

Create, edit, and delete a field directly from the Form Editor by right-clicking in the Fields tree. See Create/Edit a Field.


Controls tree: Lists the form controls you can add to the form. To add a control to a form, select it in the Controls tree and drag it onto the form.


Form preview: Displays a dynamic preview of the form.