JIRA mApp Solution 2.0

The JIRA mApp® Solution provides functionality that allows for JIRA bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management functions in CSM.

This is a Cherwell Labs mApp Solution. Functionality, testing, and documentation are limited or incomplete. Cherwell support is not provided for this mApp Solution, so install it at your own risk on a test environment before installing it on a production system.

Platform Version Requirements: Tested on CSM 9.6.x and 9.7.0

Out-of-the-Box Content Version Requirements: Tested on CSM 9.6.1 and 9.7.0. This mApp Solution may not be compatible on Content versions earlier than 9.6.1, but as with all mApp Solutions, it should be tested on your customized system.

Prerequisites: None

This mApp Solution is only available in English.


CSM integrates with JIRA so that Incidents and Problems logged in CSM can be tracked in JIRA as the applicable issue type and status changes in CSM are recorded in the corresponding JIRA Issue. This mApp Solution includes functionality to post to JIRA, add comments to JIRA, and update JIRA statuses via REST Web Service calls. The responses are updated in the CSM Object as applicable and are logged in the Journal - Integrations Audit log.

JIRA Overview[variable here][variable here]

Relating Issues in JIRA

As with CSM, Issues in JIRA can be related to other Issues. When an Incident that has a JIRA Issue Key is linked to a Major Incident or Problem that also has a JIRA Issue Key, the relationship is automatically updated on JIRA by means of an Automation Process.

Updating Statuses within JIRA

Entering status details from JIRA Project Workflows into the JIRA Status Table enables the ability to transition your JIRA Issue Statuses from within corresponding Incident and Problem records.

How the mApp Solution Works

CSM provides the JIRA V2.0 mApp Solution so Users can exchange data between JIRA and CSM using a web service. Download the mApp Solution from the Cherwell mApp Exchange. Use the Apply mApp wizard to apply the mApp Solution to your CSM system. The Apply mApp wizard generates a Blueprint, which can then be viewed and published to a test or live system to commit the changes.

For a list of items included in the mApp Solution, see JIRA mApp Solution Items.

Apply the mApp Solution

To apply the mApp Solution, perform the following high-level steps:

  1. Review the recommendations and considerations for applying mApp Solutions. For more information, see Considerations for Applying mApp Solutions.
  2. Extract the mApp Solution .zip file to a location that can be accessed by CSM.
  3. In CSM Administrator, use the Apply mApp Wizard to apply the mApp Solution. For more information, see Apply a mApp Solution. Select the topic that matches your version of CSM.

Configure the mApp Solution

After applying the mApp Solution, perform the following high-level steps to configure the mApp Solution:

  1. Configuring the JIRA mApp Solution.
  2. Finding JIRA Statuses and Transition Numbers.
  3. Define JIRA Options in CSM.

Using the JIRA mApp Solution

To use the mApp Solution, see: Using the JIRA mApp Solution.

Revision History

mApp Version Platform Version Requirements Out-of-the-Box Version Requirements Prerequisites
1.5 8.2.1 8.0.0 None
2.0 9.6.x and 9.7.0 9.6.x and 9.7.0 None