CMDB Tiered Alerts

Tiered Alerts are tools used to manage CI behaviors when a defined event occurs (example: When a CI status changes to Down, an alert might send a notification e-mail to the Record Owner). Alerts are tiered because they can be configured to initiate a sequential set of Commands/Actions/One-Step Actions at timed intervals. The alerts continue to increment (based on defined intervals) until the defined event is no longer valid.

Good to know:

  • Tiered Alerts are available for the following CI Records: Network Device, Printer, System, Telephony Equipment, and Other CIs.
  • Tiered Alerts require an Automations Process to define the event (example: CI status changes to Down) that initiates the alert. CSM provides multiple OOTB Automation Processes that use Tiered Alerts. For more information, see CMDB Automation Processes.
  • Add up to 99 Tiered Alerts.
  • View defined Tiered Alerts in Grid form by clicking View>Grid View in the Tiered Alerts tab of the Arrangement.

To define Tiered Alerts:

  1. Open a CI record (New>New Configuration Item>New Config - [CI type]).
  2. Click the Tiered Alert tab in the Arrangement.
  3. Click the New Tiered Alert button.

    The Tiered Alert form opens.

    Tiered Alert Form

  4. Define the first tier:
    1. Alert Order: Click the Up arrow to select the tier level (example: 1).
    2. Alert Action: Select a Command, Action, or One-Step Action to take place when the Tiered Alert is initiated (example: Send E-Mail):
      1. Click the Action Selector button to access the Action Manager.

        The Action Manager Opens.

        Action Manager

      2. Click the Command, Action, or One-Step Action to execute (example: Send E-Mail Command).
      3. Select OK.

        The Command, Action, or One-Step Action opens in the Alert Action field.

        Tiered Alert Form Complete

        The Wait time from previous alert field is disabled since this is the first defined alert.

  5. Define the second tier:
    1. Alert Order: Click the Up arrow to select the tier level (example: 2).
    2. Alert Action: Select a Command, Action, or One-Step Action to take place when the Tiered Alert is initiated.
      1. Click the Action Selector button to access the Action Manager.

        The Action Manager Opens.

      2. Click the Command, Action, or One-Step Action to execute (example: New Incident One-Step Action).
      3. Select OK.

        The Command, Action, or One-Step Action opens in the Alert Action field.


    3. Define the Wait Time from Previous Alert:
      1. In the first field, provide a number to indicate the number of minutes, hours, or days that CSM should wait (after the first Tiered Alert) before initiating the second alert (example: 2).

        Tiered Alert Number

      2. In the second field, click the drop-down menu to reveal timeframe options, and then select a timeframe (Minutes, Hours, Days).

        The Tiered Alert record is automatically saved.