Set Tab Order on a Form

Use the Form Editor to establish a tab order, or tab stops, for fields on a form. Tab order is the order in which the cursor moves to the next field or button control when the tab key is pressed. The Form Editor can also be used to remove a field from the tab order sequence or to clear all tab stops.

Define Tab Order of Fields

To set the tab order of fields on a form:

  1. Open a form in the Form Editor.
  2. From the Form Editor menu bar, select Form > View/Set Tab Order. Numbers display in the upper left corner of each field to reflect the current order that the cursor moves through the fields. If a field has not been assigned a tab stop, a question mark displays in the upper left corner instead.
  3. Select each field or button control in the order you want the cursor to move through the fields.
  4. When you are done, select Form > View/Set Tab Order again to save the tab ordering.
  5. Publish the Blueprint to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint to continue making other changes.

Remove Tab Stop from Fields

Remove the tab stop from a field to remove it from the tab order sequence.

To remove the tab stop from a field:

  1. Open a form in the Form Editor.
  2. Right-click on the desired field. If included in the tab order sequence, the Tab Stop item in the context menu is selected (has a grey background and lined border).
  3. Select the Tab Stop option to remove the selection. The field is no longer included in the tab order sequence. A question mark displays in the upper left corner instead of a number to denote that the field is no longer part of the tab order and does not have a tab stop attached to it.
  4. Publish the Blueprint to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint to continue making other changes.

Clear Tab Order

To remove all tab stops from fields on a form:

  1. Open a form in the Form Editor.
  2. Select Form > Clear Tab Order.
  3. Publish the Blueprint to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint to continue making other changes.