Filter a Grid in the Desktop Client
Filter grids in the Desktop Client by a column value so that the grid shows selected data (example: Only new Incidents).
Multi-filter a grid to show even more specific data, either by using multiple values in a single column (example: Show Incidents with a status of Assigned, In Progress, or Pending) or by using multiple column values (example: Filter by owner, and then by status).
Filters use a simple comparison clause to limit the values (example: Owned By = Josh Wilson). Multiple values in a single column are strung together using or statements (example: Owned By = Josh Wilson or Clair Wu). Multiple clauses are strung together to create a query using and statements (example: Owner = Josh Wilson and Status = Assigned, In Progress, or Pending).
Filtering options/values vary according to the type of data in the column (example: Text, Number, Logical [true/false], etc.) and whether the column can be filtered by multiple values.
On a search results grid, if multiple items are selected in the grid, the selection is cleared when a filter is applied or removed from the grid.
To filter a grid in the Desktop Client:
- Open the grid filter one of two ways:
- In a grid, hover over the column header to filter, and then select the filter icon when it appears. A filter list appears, showing filtering options/values; options/values vary according to the type of data in the column (example: Number, Text, etc.).
- Select a cell in the grid, then select Ctrl+Shift+F to bring up the filter list for the selected column.
- Select a filtering option/value, and then select OK.
A check box indicates that multiple values can be selected to filter the grid.
The grid filters the data and shows results. The filter icon is shown in the header of the filtering column. The filtering criteria (comparison clause/query) is shown in the grid footer. If the grid is a search results grid, Add, Edit, and Save filter buttons are shown in the grid footer as well.
- To continue filtering by another column, hover over another column header, select the Filter icon, and then select another filtering option/value.
The grid filters the data again and shows the filtered results.
Select the Custom... button to use the custom filter window to define your own filter by defining a comparison clause. A comparison clause defines an operator (example: Equals, Less Than, etc.) and the value to find (example: Value, field, system function, expression, or stored value). For more information about building comparison clauses, refer to Define a Comparison Clause.
To remove the filtering criteria and show the original grid, clear the check box next to the criteria.
After a column is filtered, additional options appear in the lower right corner of the grid.
To update and save filtering options to the current query:
- To add the filter to the current search, select the Add filter to current query button .
- To add the filter and edit the current search in the Search Manager, select the Add filter and edit current query button .
- To add the filter and save the current search so that it can be used again, select the Add and save filter button .
The Edit and Save options can also be accessed from the Searching menu.