One-Step™ Actions and Record Locking
The following record locking guidelines apply to One-Step Actions:
- By default, a One-Step Action that updates a record (including Actions that update or create child records) honors the record locking behavior of the active record on which the One-Step Action is run (the record must be open or selected in a Grid). For more information, refer to Record Locking.
- For One-Step Actions that update a Business Object, it is best practice to configure the One-Step Action (in general properties and conditions) to explicitly acquire a lock before running to ensure that the active record is locked prior to One-Step Action execution, not just when a specific Action to update a record is being executed. That way, a One-Step Action will not fail if a particular Action cannot acquire a lock.
- If a One-Step Action is configured to acquire a lock prior to execution, it can also be configured to explicitly release the lock after the entire One-Step Action finishes executing. Otherwise, the lock will be released according to the record locking behavior configured for the active record (example: If the Business Object is configured to automatically release locks upon save and the One-Step Action saves the record, then the lock is released when the One-Step Action saves the record).