System Restore Tool
The System Restore tool is a standalone database tool that allows a system administrator to import the CSM database for the first time or reload the CSM database from an archive file (.czar file).
Use the System Restore tool to:
- Copy the database over multiple environments (testing, staging, and development).
- Provide copies of database for a support team.
- Back up and restore the data if moving the database from one server to another.
- Back up the data and restore the database in another environment.
- Enable multi-byte support for a database.
After restoring a database, replaced data is no longer accessible.
To restore a database:
- Open the System Restore tool (Start > All Programs > Cherwell Service Management > Tools > System Restore.
On Windows 7, right-click and select Run as Administrator.
- Select the database file (.czar) to import (restore):
- Select Browse and navigate to a .czar file.
- Select the file and select Open. The .czar path and name appear in the Import file field. The .czar details (Date/Time exported, Mode, and version) appear below the file.
- Select where to restore the .czar file, either:
- Existing connection: Enables the .czar file to overwrite an existing database. Select the ellipsis to select the database (connection) to overwrite, and then select Import.
- New database: Enables the .czar file to create a new database connection. Select the ellipsis to open the Connection Wizard to create a new database connection.
When the restore is complete, the database connection is available when CSM opens. - Unicode support: Enables support for multi-byte characters in your database. See Configure CSM for Multi-Byte Language Support.
- Select the environment type:
- Development: The database file is being used to configure functionality.
- Production: The database file meets all requirements, has been tested, and is ready for business use.
- Test: The database file is being used for testing purposes.
The environment type provides visibility into the environment you are working with while managing your system. Once this value is selected, it displays in the client login windows, window titles for the CSM Desktop Client and CSM Administrator (when configured), the Health Check Results window, and the Company Information drop-down list in the CSM Browser Client and CSM Portal. You can leverage these values in your configurations using their associated System Functions.
- Provide the base URL of the Cherwell REST API in the format https://host.domain/CherwellAPI/api/.
If you skip this step, you can still install CSM, but an error that says that the application is not configured to communicate with the Cherwell REST API server will display when you attempt to log in.
When the restore is complete, the database connection is available when CSM opens.