Verify Trusted Agent Hub Timeout Settings
If the Trusted Agent Server is not processing as expected, verify timeout settings for the Trusted Agent Hub against the Hub Ping Frequency setting for the Trusted Agent Server. Restarting services may also solve the issue.
For example, the Trusted Agent Server may time out when attempting to process email messages with large attachments. This would trigger a communication error message in the Trusted Agent log file.
Possible solutions:
- Verify that the Agent Registration Timeout setting on the Trusted Agent Hub is greater than the Hub Ping Frequency setting for the Trusted Agent Server. For more information, see Trusted Agent and Trusted Agent.
SaaS customers must contact Cherwell Support to determine if the Agent Registration Timeout period for the Trusted Agent Hub has changed from the default of 180 seconds.
- Restart the Trusted Agent Server.
- Restart the Trusted Agent Server and CSM service used by the feature that is not working as expected, in that order. For example, if the Trusted Agent Server is not processing email, restart the Trusted Agent Server, and then restart the Cherwell Service Host.