
After you've imported information into the Ivanti Neurons Platform or deployed the Ivanti Neurons Agent, the device records appear on the Devices page. Access this page by clicking Devices in the left navigation pane.

Use the device details search box to search the device list for matching text.

Devices view search box

Alternatively, use the global search at the top of the page to search for users or devices, from anywhere in the Neurons Platform.

To delete a device from the Neurons Platform, select the box next to the device and then click Delete at the top of the page. This removes the record for that device from the Neurons Platform. If the record was imported from another source using a connector, and the device record still exists in the source, the record may be re-imported the next time the connector runs.

Use the enhanced filtering and grouping features to find and organize devices you're managing.

The Ivanti Neurons Smart Advisors offer additional details about devices. Smart Advisors provide reports for device reconciliation, stability, and inventory management (i.e., reimage or replace). For more information, see Smart Advisors.

About columns on the Devices page

Each column represents an imported device attribute. Depending on the connectors you have set up for use with the Neurons Platform, you can potentially import thousands of different attributes and choose to display any of them in a column on this page. The following drop-down list shows the default columns on this page and the attributes they are mapped to.

To change the default columns, use the Column Chooser button Column Chooser button at the right-edge of the column header. You can add and delete columns and rearrange their order. Use the drop-down lists to select which attributes will be visible.

Column Chooser feature

Discovering attributes to use for columns

Device attributes come from the connectors you are using. To narrow down the attributes that may be useful on the Devices page, you need to know what attributes have been imported and what data is contained in them:

  • For a list of the device attributes imported by each connector, see Connector data mapping and download the Devices CSV file.

  • At the bottom of each connector topic is a downloadable CSV file that lists the attributes only imported by that connector.

  • On the Devices page, you can select a device, then open its Details tab to see all of the attributes imported for that device.