Patch Groups

Ivanti Neurons for Patch Management Patch Groups allows you to organize patch information within the Ivanti Neurons Platform in a way that is relevant to your environment. Reduce time to patch by managing patch actions and gaining patch insight.

When creating Patch Groups it may be helpful to filter the patch catalog to target the type of patches you are interested in. Here are some filter examples:

Advisories > All Patches - review patches for the full patch catalog.

  • Patches that were released on Patch Tuesday - use the Patch Tuesday chart
  • Recently released patches - use the Patch Types chart
  • Threat & Risk measures - use the grid filters: VRR Group, CVE Count> Exploited
  • Reliability & Social measures, useful when planning test cycles - use the grid filters: Reliability, Reported Issues

Advisories - Affects my environment toggle On - review patches that have been identified as missing for devices in your environment.

  • Patches for devices out of SLA or near SLA - use the Devices Exceeding SLA chart
  • Vulnerabilities and Exploited patches - use the Known Vulnerabilities chart

Patch Groups are created, viewed and managed in Patch Intelligence, and associated with a Patch Configuration and deployed in Patch Settings. To learn more refer to Patch Management > Patch Settings > Patch Groups.

Example: Patch Group creation

This example runs through creating a new patch group to include only Patch Tuesday patches with a severity of Security Critical, the example has 2 steps:

  • Step I: Creating the new Patch Group
  • Step II: Populating the Patch Group with targeted Patches

Step I:

  1. Start on the Patch Intelligence dashboard: Ivanti Neurons Platform > Patch Management > Patch Intelligence.
  2. Select Patch Groups > Add a patch Group.
    The Add a Patch Group dialog appears.
  3. Enter a name for the patch group, for example Patch Tuesday - Security Critical.
  4. Click Add Patch Group. The Patch Tuesday - Security Critical patch group has now been created and is ready to be populated with patches.

Step II:

  1. On the Patch Intelligence Advisories dashboard, make sure you have the Affects my environment toggle off, so that the Patch Tuesday chart displays.
  2. On the Patch Tuesday chart click on the Security Critical bar, this filters the summary grid to show only the Security Critical Patch Tuesday patches.
    The chart bars could include more than one vendor, so be aware of which portion of the bar you click on, if you are only interested in Microsoft patches make sure you click on the Microsoft segment of the bar, so that the filter is correctly applied to the summary grid.
  3. In the Summary grid use the Reliability & Social and Threat & Risk data to decide which patches you want to include in the Patch Group.
    If you want all of the patches, select the check box in the header to select all the patch check boxes.
    Alternatively, select the check box alongside each individual patch you want to include.
  4. Once you have made your patch selection, select Patch Groups > Add to Patch Group > scroll to locate, and click, the Patch Group Patch Tuesday - Security Critical.
    The Add to Patch Group dialog appears.
  5. Click Save to commit the patches to the Patch Group.
  6. The Patch Tuesday - Security Critical Patch Group now contains the selected patches.

Next steps:

  • Assign the Patch Group to a Patch Configuration.
  • Associate the Patch Configuration with a Policy for deployment to endpoints.

Learn more on Patch Configurations.

Related topics

Patch Summary

Patch Details

Patch Advisories

Patch Management

Patch Settings