Client Status Report

You can generate different types of client status reports that show the hardening options, client version, and log and file policy status.

You can choose from the following report options.

  • All clients listed in the database
  • Clients with outdated permissions
  • Clients that are online
  • Clients that are offline
  • Clients not communicating (30+ days) + individual settings assigned
  • Select my own group of clients

The following table describes the report columns.

Client Status Column Descriptions




Shows the complete computer name including domain. Default is the value configured for all computers and represents the default value.

Client Version

Shows the Ivanti Device and Application Control client version running for the computer(s).

Client Hardening Status

Shows the client hardening option running for the computer(s).

Client Policy Date

Shows the date for the policy file that is applied to the computer(s).

Client Last Log Upload

Shows the last time that the client uploaded log events to the Application Server(s).

Client Policy Status

Shows the status of the current policy file.

  • Unknown status: The status is unknown.
  • Offline: The client has not connected to the server recently.
  • Up-to-date: The client connected to the server recently and has the latest policies.
  • In-sync: The client connected to the server recently, has the latest policies, but has not refreshed the policies.
  • Obsolete: The client connected to the server recently, but an issue occurred while retrieving the most recently policies.

Client Policy Source

Shows the complete file for the policy file name running on the client name including file path.

  • Illegal policy source: Client policies are coming from an unknown database.
  • Server: Client policies are coming from a server.
  • Import file: Client policies are coming from a file.
  • Unknown: The source of client policies is unknown.

Compliance Mode

Shows the client's Compliance Mode status.

  • Disabled: The client is not in compliance mode.
  • FIPS: The client is operating in FIPS compliance mode (FIPS 140-2 Level 2).
  • CPA: The client is operating in CPA compliance mode.

This column is only shown if Ivanti Device and Application Control is licensed for FIPS or CPA compliance mode.

FIPS mode

Shows whether FIPS mode is Enabled or Disabled for the computer.


Shows whether Bitlocker is Enabled or Disabled for the computer.

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