Creating Components on SQL Server (Part II)

The SQL Server administrator performs this portion of the install procedure, which installs components on the SQL Server instance necessary for Ivanti Endpoint Security to function. These components are installed via the script your Ivanti Endpoint Security administrator delivers.


This second portion of the installation procedure is performed by the SQL Server administrator on your existing remote instance of SQL Server.

If you have any questions and/or require additional assistance, contact Ivanti support at

  1. Log in to your SQL Server using an account with administrative privileges. This account should also be assigned the sysadmin server role within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Create three user accounts.
  3. Important: Preexisting accounts or domain accounts cannot be used for this installation procedure.

    The first account you will create is identical to the user account used to begin the installation of Ivanti Endpoint Security. This account will be granted a login to the Ivanti Endpoint Security databases and assigned the db_owner role within Microsoft SQL Server Mangement Studio.

    The second and third accounts created are the Web client account and the service account. These accounts are used to operate components critical to Ivanti Endpoint Security.

    Important: The credentials for each of these accounts must match their respective accounts on the Ivanti Endpoint Security target server. Consult your network administrator for the credentials for each account. If these accounts are not identical, Ivanti Endpoint Security will not function correctly.

    Complete the following substeps to create the account:

    1. Select Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
      The Computer Management dialog opens.
    2. Expand the directory tree structure to Users (Computer Mangement [local] > System Tools >Local Users and Groups > Users).
    3. Right-click Users and select New User.
      The New User dialog opens.
    4. Create a user account identical to the user account used to begin installation of Ivanti Endpoint Security.
      • In the User name field, type the applicable user name.
      • In the Password field, type the applicable password.
      • In the Confirm password field, retype the password.

        Consult your Ivanti Endpoint Security administrator to obtain these credentials.

    5. Clear the User must change password at next logon check box.
    6. Select the Password never expires check box.
    7. Click Create.
      The user account is created.
    8. Repeat substeps d though g to create the Web client account.
    9. Repeat substeps d though g to create the service account.
    10. Click Close.
  4. Select Start > Run.
  5. In the field, type cmd.
  6. Click OK.
    A command prompt opens.
  7. From the command prompt, type sqlcmd -SSERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME -E -ifilepath \PreInstallDBAscript.sql

    Remember the following information when entering this command at the prompt:

    • All characters in the command are case sensitive.
    • When typing SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME, the slash and instance name are not necessary if the applicable instance is a default instance.
    • The -E command instructs sqlcmd to connect to the SQL Server using a trusted connection.
    • The -i command defines where to locate the script to execute. If this command is executed from the directory where PreInstallDBAScript.sql is located, then the file path is not necessary; otherwise, the full file path must be defined.
    • The -k1 command instructs sqlcmd to remove any control characters found in the input file.
  8. The following databases are created:

    PLUS: Patch Management Database

    PLUS_Staging: Content Replication Database

    SCM: Security Configuration Management Database

    STAT_Guardian: Network Discovery/Agent Deployment Database

    UPCCommon: Endpoint Management Platform Database

    The modifications necessary for your Ivanti Endpoint Security administrator to complete installation of Ivanti Endpoint Security are finished.

After Completing This Task:

Have your Ivanti Endpoint Security administrator complete Completing Installation (Part III).