Connecting to the Ivanti Endpoint Security Server

You must connect to the Ivanti Endpoint Security (Endpoint Security) server before you can use the Ivanti Content Wizard.

Role Based Access

If any role possesses either the Manage Content or Manage Packages right or both, then the users in that role can access the Ivanti Endpoint Security using the Ivanti Content Wizard.

Users are profiles people can use to access the Ivanti Endpoint Security (Endpoint Security). Roles, which are assigned to users, determine the users access rights within Endpoint Security. You may create new roles and users to delegate Endpoint Security duties to appropriate colleagues. For more information, refer to the Creating New Users and Roles in the Ivanti Endpoint Security User Guide (

Starting the Ivanti Content Wizard

You can access the Ivanti Content Wizard (Content Wizard) from the Windows Start menu or by clicking the desktop icon for the application. Once you start the application, you can choose which Ivanti Endpoint Security you want to connect to.


Prior to starting the Content Wizard, ensure that:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Ivanti > Ivanti Content Wizard.
    The Connect to Server dialog opens. By default, the Login tab displays.
  2. Type the URL of the Endpoint Security server in the Server URL field.

    Example: Type the URL in one of the following formats:

    • For standard servers, type http://ServerAddress/.
    • For secure servers, type https://ServerAddress/.
  3. Type the username for your account on the Endpoint Security server in the Username field.
  4. Type the password for your account in the Password field.
  5. Tip:

    • The Server URL and Username are cached after logging in for the first time.
    • Select Remember my password to cache the password.
  6. Click OK.

Important: If you are using a proxy to connect to the Endpoint Security server, configure the Content Wizard proxy settings prior to log in. For more information, refer to Using a Proxy to Connect to the Ivanti Endpoint Security Server.

The Ivanti Content Wizard is connected to the selected server.

  • By default, Ivanti Content Wizard opens to the Open Patch dialog.
  • If you have cleared the Show Open Dialog at Startup option, Ivanti Content Wizard, opens to its main console. Disable this option by selecting View > Options.

Using a Proxy to Connect to the Ivanti Endpoint Security Server

The Ivanti Content Wizard (Content Wizard) allows you to connect to the Ivanti Endpoint Security (Endpoint Security) through a proxy. You need to configure proxy settings in the Ivanti Endpoint Security server before connecting to the Endpoint Security server by proxy.


Configure proxy settings on the Ivanti Endpoint Security server. For more information, refer to Ivanti Endpoint Security User Guide (

  1. Select Start > Ivanti Content Wizard.
    The Connect to Server dialog opens.
  2. Click Proxy.
    The Proxy dialog opens.
  1. Select the Use proxy server check box.
    The Proxy dialog fields become active.
  2. Type the server address in the Server address field.
  3. Type the proxy port number in the Port field.
  4. If your network uses a proxy server, and that proxy server requires authentication, select the Authentication required check box and complete the following sub-steps:
    1. Type the user name that authenticates the proxy in the Username field.
    2. Type the password associated with the user name in the Password field.
  5. Tip: Use the same authentication details as those specified for the Ivanti Endpoint Security Server proxy. On subsequent connection attempts, proxy information from the first connection attempt will be retained.

  6. Click OK.
    The Ivanti Content Wizard connects to the Endpoint Security through the specified proxy.
    • By default, Ivanti Content Wizard opens to the Open Patch dialog.
    • If you have cleared the Show Open Dialog at Startup option, Ivanti Content Wizard, opens to its main console. Disable this option by selecting View > Options.

Exiting the Ivanti Content Wizard

Exit the Ivanti Content Wizard after you are finished using the application to prevent any unauthorized usage of the Ivanti Content Wizard.

  1. Select File > Exit from the main menu.
    The Ivanti Content Wizard closes.

  2. If you have an unsaved patch, a dialog appears asking if you want to save your changes prior to exiting the Ivanti Content Wizard.

    The Ivanti Content Wizard closes on the target computer.