Installing the Ivanti Content Wizard

In this section:

The Ivanti Content Wizard consists of both a server and client component. Both components must be installed before you can use the Ivanti Content Wizard.

Prior to installing either of the Ivanti Content Wizard components, you must install the Ivanti Endpoint Security (Endpoint Security) server. For details regarding the installation of Endpoint Security, refer to the Ivanti Endpoint Security: Server Installation Guide (

To install the Ivanti Content Wizard server component, refer to Installing the Ivanti Content Wizard Server.

To install the Ivanti Content Wizard client component, refer to Installing the Ivanti Content Wizard Client.

As there were no changes to the Ivanti Content Wizard associated with Ivanti Endpoint Security 8.6, the Content Wizard has not been updated and the Content Wizard 8.5 Update 3 version is compatible with Ivanti Endpoint Security 8.6

Warning: If you have Ivanti Content Wizard 7.2 or earlier installed, you must uninstall it before running the Ivanti Content Wizard 8.5 Update 3 installer.