The Information View

This view includes basic information about the selected group's membership, hierarchy, agent policy sets, roles, and so on. Select this view for a comprehensive listing of group settings.

Group settings and information appear in sections. Each section displays information for each type of group settings. Empty sections indicate undefined settings.

The Information view features the following sections:

Patch and Remediation updates Information:

For additional information about unlisted sections, refer to The Information View in the Ivanti Endpoint Security Help.

The following table describes the Information view buttons.




Exports the page data to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.

Group Information

The first section in the Information view displays general information about the selected group's settings. These settings are controlled within the various Groups page views. Select this view when you want to see a group's settings from a single source.

The following table describes the first fields within the first section of the Information view.

The following table describes the new fields that are added to the Information view after Patch and Remediation is installed.




Indicates the name of the group.

Distinguished Name

Indicates the system-created name based upon the group’s parent hierarchy.

Created Date

Indicates the date and time the group was created.

Created By

Indicates the user who created the group.

Last Modified Date

Indicates the date and time the group was last modified.

Last Modified By

Indicates the user who last modified the group.


Indicates the description of the group.

Directly Assigned Endpoints

Indicates the number of endpoints assigned to the group. Inherited endpoints are not included.

Source Group Assigned Endpoints

Indicates the number of endpoints assigned to the source group.

Derived Endpoints from Child Hierarchy

Indicates the number of endpoints inherited from child groups.

Policy Inheritance

Indicates if agent policy sets are inherited from the group’s parent (True or False).

Policy Enabled

Indicates if agent policy sets can be assigned to the group (True or False).

Deployment Enabled

Indicates if deployments can be created for the group (True or False).

Mandatory Baseline Inheritance

Indicates if Mandatory Baseline settings are inherited from the group’s parent (True or False).

Mandatory Baseline Enabled

Indicates if Mandatory Baseline deployments are created based upon the group’s Mandatory Baseline configuration (True or False).

Email Notification Addresses

After a group is created, it can be assigned an email address. This email is intended to be attributed to the group.

Email addresses are not assigned from the Information view; this view merely displays the assigned addresses. For additional information on assigning an email address to a group, refer to Editing Group Settings.

The following reference describes the Email Notification Addresses table.



Notification Address

The email addresses of the group owner.

Child Groups

This section lists the direct Child Groups. Only direct children are listed; deeper descendants such as grandchild groups are not listed.

This section only lists direct Child Groups; to assign direct Child Groups to a group use the Group Membership view.




The group type (Custom Group, System Group, or Directory Service Group


Group Name

The name of the child group.

Distinguished Name

The system-created name of the group, which is based upon the group’s parent hierarchy.


The description of the group.

Antivirus Policies

This section lists the antivirus policies assigned, and whether or not that policy set is directly assigned or inherited from a parent. This section only shows the antivirus policies assigned; you cannot use it to assign one. Assign an antivirus policy to the selected group via the Antivirus Policies view.

The following reference describes the Antivirus Policies table.



Policy Name

Indicates the name of the antivirus policy.

Policy Type

Indicates if the antivirus policy type is a Recurring Virus and Malware Scan or a Real-time Monitoring Policy.


Indicates if the antivirus policy is directly assigned or inherited from a parent.

Antivirus Real-time Monitoring Resultant Policy

If two or more real-time monitoring policies are assigned, their combined resultant effect is displayed in this section. The policy details can only be viewed here; you cannot change or edit them.

The following reference describes the Antivirus Real-time Monitoring Resultant Policy table.



Virus Detection Action

Indicates actions to take upon virus/malware detection.

Local users

Indicates real-time scan options for local users.

Services and remote users

Indicates real-time scan options for services and remote users.

Exclude Path/ Filename

Indicates if path(s)/filename(s) will be excluded from the scan.

Optional drives

Indicates if optional drives will be included in the scan.

Mandatory Baseline Items

This section only lists group Mandatory Baseline items; to assign items to a group, use the Mandatory Baseline view.




The Mandatory Baseline item name. The name doubles as a link the item's Review page.

Content Type

The content type of the Mandatory Baseline item. For a description of each impact, refer to one of the following pages based on the applicable type of Mandatory Baseline item:


The name of the vendor that created the software in the Mandatory Baseline item.

OS List

The operating systems that the Mandatory Baseline item applies to.

Agent Policy Sets

This section lists the Agent Policy Sets assigned to the selected group, and whether or not that policy set is directly assigned or assigned via inheritance.

This section only lists group Assigned Policy Sets; to Assign Policy Sets to the selected group use the Policies view.



Policy Set Name

Indicates the name of the Agent Policy Set.


Indicates if the Agent Policy Set is directly assigned to the group or inherited. A value of True indicates the Agent Policy Set is directly assigned.

When a group Policy Enabled setting is enabled, the group will use the Global System Policy set to define undefined policies. For additional information, refer to Defining Agent Policy Inheritance Rules.

Resultant Agent Policy Set Information

When a group is assigned two or more Agent Policy Sets, some of the policies may conflict. When conflicts occur, the system applies the agent policy conflict resolution rules to determine which policy to apply. This section lists the resultant policies used when there is Agent Policy Sets conflict.

The following table describes the Resultant Agent Policy Set Information information.




The name of the agent policy.


The agent policy value. When determining the policy value, directly assigned policies supersede inherited policies. Additionally, directly assigned policies that conflict are resolved by the conflict resolution rules.


The description of the agent policy.

Only agent policies inherited or directly assigned to the group are displayed in Resultant Agent Policy Set Information. To see a complete listing of all policies assigned to a managed endpoint, refer to The Information Tab.


You can restrict user access to specific groups based on roles. This section lists the user roles that can access the selected group.

Tip: This section only lists the Roles that can access the group; to assign Roles to a group, use the Roles view.



Role Name

Indicates the name of the user role that can access the group.

Role Source

Indicates the name of the group that the assigned role is inherited from. If the role source contains no value, the role is directly assigned to the selected group.


Indicates if the role is inherited or directly assigned to the group. A value of True indicates the role is directly assigned to the group.

Exporting Information View Data

To export the information displayed within the Information view to a comma separated value (.csv) file, click the toolbar Export button. Exporting data lets you work with that data in other programs for reporting and analytical purposes.

For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.