Working with Users
To perform tasks associated with users, click a toolbar button or list icon. To perform some tasks, selecting one or multiple users from the list may be necessary.
- Creating New Users
- Adding Existing Windows Users
- Editing Users
- Removing Users
- Deleting Users
- Changing a User Password
- Changing Your Password
- Validating Users
- Exporting User Data
Creating New Users
You can create a new user when you need to allow a person within your organization access to Ivanti Endpoint Security Web console.
New users are added to both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows.
Refer to User Access for additional information.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Ensure the Users tab is selected.
- Click Create.
The Create User Wizard opens. - Ensure the Creating a new local user option is selected.
- Click Next.
The New user information dialog opens. - Define the user credentials.
The * indicates a required field.
From the Select a Role list, select the desired role. Select from the following roles:
- Administrator
- Manager
- Operator
- Guest
- Custom Role(s); only available if a custom role has been created.
Refer to Custom Roles for additional information. - [Optional] Define the user information.
Type applicable information in the following fields. - Click Finish.
The Creation Summary dialog opens indicating you have successfully created a user.In the event that user creation requirements are not met, you receive a notification message or in the event of password failure the Creation Summary dialog opens to display the error. You must resolve these errors to successfully create a user.
- Click Close.
The Creation Summary dialog closes.
Type the applicable information in the following fields.
Field Name |
Description |
User name |
The desired user name. The user name must be a unique name. It must be between 1-20 characters in length and cannot include any of the following characters: ‘ \ “ @ ^ % & { } ( ) [ ] ; < > ! # : ? / = | |
Password |
The desired password. The Password Strength indicator factors password effectiveness based on password length, complexity, character variety, and common word resemblance. Strong passwords contain eight characters or greater and combine symbols, numbers, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters. Also, they do not resemble common words or names, including words with numbers in place of letters. |
Confirm Password |
The password retyped. |
Field Name |
Description |
Description |
The description of the user. |
Full name |
The full name of the user. |
Office phone |
The office phone number of the user. |
Cell phone |
The cell phone number of the user. |
Pager |
The pager number of the user. |
The email address of the user. |
The new user is created and is displayed on the User Tab list. The new user can now access all authorized features of Ivanti Endpoint Security.
You may edit the user from the Users tab. Refer to Editing Users.
Adding Existing Windows Users
You can create a user by adding a pre-existing Windows domain or local user. Add this type of user when they need to access to Ivanti Endpoint Security Web console.
Add existing Windows users from the Users tab.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Click Create.
The Create User Wizard opens. - Select the Adding existing local or domain users option.
- Click Next.
The Existing user dialog opens. - In the Search for the following users field, type a user name, or the beginning characters of one or more user names.
Use semicolons to separate user names. To search for users within a specific domain, prefix the user name with the domain. Example, (DOMAINNAME\UserName).There must be a secure connection between the domain and the Ivanti Endpoint Security’s domain, or the user will be unable to access Ivanti Endpoint Security.
- Click Next.
The User Roles dialog opens. - From the Select a Role list, select the desired role. Select from the following roles:
- Administrator
- Manager
- Operator
- Guest
- Custom Role(s); only available if a custom role has been created.
Refer to Custom Roles for additional information.
- Click Finish.
The Creation Summary dialog opens indicating you have successfully created a user.In the event that user creation requirements are not met, you receive a notification message or in the event of password failure the Creation Summary dialog opens to display the error. You must resolve these errors to successfully create a user.
- Click Close.
The Creation Summary dialog closes.
The new user is created and is displayed on the User Tab list. The new user can now access all authorized features of Ivanti Endpoint Security.
You may edit the user from the Users tab. Refer to Editing Users.
Editing Users
Edit existing Ivanti Endpoint Security users to change their assigned role or contact information. Edit users from the Users tab.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Ensure the Users tab is selected.
- Find the desired user(s).
Use one of the following methods.Method
To search for user(s) by name:
- Type an applicable name in the Username field.
- Click Update View.
To search for user(s) by role:
- Select the applicable role from the Role drop-down list.
- Click Update View.
The user list updates based on your search.
- Click the Edit icon associated with the user you want to edit.
The Edit User dialog opens. - [Optional] Edit the Full name field.
- [Optional] Select a new role from the Role list. Select one of the following roles:
- Administrator
- Manager
- Operator
- Guest
- Custom Role(s); only available if a custom role has been created.
Refer to Custom Roles for additional information.
- [Optional] Edit the following fields.
Field Name
Office phone
The user’s office phone number.
Cell phone
The user’s cell phone number.
The user’s pager number.
The user’s email address.
The user’s description.
- Click Next.
The Edit Confirmation dialog opens. - Click Finish.
The Edit Summary dialog opens. - Click Close.
The Edit Summary dialog closes.
The user is updated according to your changes.
Removing Users
Removing a user account removes it from Ivanti Endpoint Security without deleting that user account within Windows or in Active Directory.
Remove users when you want to prevent a user from logging in to Ivanti Endpoint Security, (Ivanti Endpoint Security) but want the user to still to have a Windows (local) account. Once removed, the user is removed from the Ivanti Endpoint Security endpoint groups and the user list on the Users and Roles page.
For additional information on deleting users (deleting removes them from both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows), refer to Deleting Users.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Ensure the Users tab is selected.
- Find the desired user(s).
Use one of the following methods.Method
To search for user(s) by name:
- Type an applicable name in the Username field.
- Click Update View.
To search for user(s) by role:
- Select the applicable role from the Role drop-down list.
- Click Update View.
The user list updates based on your search.
- Remove the desired user(s).
Important: You cannot remove users assigned the Administrator role. You must first edit the user, change the role, then remove the user.
- Select the check boxes associated with the users you want to remove.
- From the toolbar, click the Remove button.
- Acknowledge the removal by clicking OK.
The user is removed from Ivanti Endpoint Security. You can re-add the removed user at any time if the user’s Windows account still exists.
Use one of the following methods.
Method |
Steps |
To remove a single user: |
Click the Remove icon associated with the user you want to remove. |
To remove multiple users: |
A dialog displays, asking you to acknowledge the removal.
Deleting Users
Delete a user when you want to remove it from both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows.
Deleting users removes them from both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows (locally), whereas removing users only removes them from Ivanti Endpoint Security.
Refer to Removing Users for additional information on how to remove a user.
Delete users from the Users and Roles page Users tab.
Important: You cannot delete users assigned the Administrator role. You must first change the role type by editing the user, then you may remove the user.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Ensure the Users tab is selected.
- Find the desired user(s).
Use one of the following methods.Method
To search for user(s) by name:
- Type an applicable name in the Username field.
- Click Update View.
To search for user(s) by role:
- Select the applicable role from the Role drop-down list.
- Click Update View.
The user list updates based on your search.
- Select the user(s) you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
Caution: Deleting a user deletes them from both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows (locally).
- Acknowledge the deletion by clicking OK.
The user is deleted from both Ivanti Endpoint Security and Windows (locally).Deleting an Ivanti Endpoint Security user that was added from your Active Directory will not delete the Windows user account within Active Directory. The account will only be removed from Ivanti Endpoint Security.
A dialog displays, asking you to acknowledge the deletion.
Changing a User Password
Change a password for security reasons or if a user has forgotten theirs.
Prerequisite: You have the Change Password access right. Refer to Defining Access Rights for additional information on this access right that allows you edit other user’s passwords.
Change user passwords from the Users tab.
Changing a user’s password in Ivanti Endpoint Security also changes the user’s Windows password on the Ivanti Endpoint Security server or in Active Directory.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- Ensure the Users tab is selected.
- Find the desired user(s).
Use one of the following methods.Method
To search for user(s) by name:
- Type an applicable name in the Username field.
- Click Update View.
To search for user(s) by role:
- Select the applicable role from the Role drop-down list.
- Click Update View.
The user list updates based on your search.
- Select the user whose password you want to change.
You may only select a single user at a time to change passwords.
- Click Change Password.
The Change password for dialog opens. - Type a new password in the New Password field.
The Password Strength indicator factors your password security based on length, complexity, character variety, and common word resemblance.Strong passwords contain eight characters or greater and combine symbols, numbers, and letters (both upper and lowercase). Also, they do not resemble common words or names, including words with numbers in place of letters.
Attention: Passwords must adhere to Windows local and/or domain password policies.
- Retype the password in the Confirm Password field.
- Click Finish.
The password for the user is changed.
Changing Your Password
You can change your own password at any time. Changing your password in Ivanti Endpoint Security also changes your Windows password on the Ivanti Endpoint Security server or Active Directory.
Change your password from the navigation menu.
- Type your old password in the Old password field.
The Password Strength indicator factors password effectiveness based on password length, complexity, character variety, and common word resemblance.Strong passwords contain eight characters or greater and combine symbols, numbers, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters. Also, they do not resemble common words or names, including words with numbers in place of letters.
Attention: Passwords must adhere to Windows local and/or domain password policies.
- Type your new password in the New Password field.
- Retype your new password in the Confirm New Password field.
- Click OK.
Your password is changed. Use your new password the next time you log in to Ivanti Endpoint Security, Windows, or Active Directory.
Validating Users
Over time, staff who use Ivanti Endpoint Security move on from your enterprise. This attrition can create orphaned user accounts in the Ivanti Endpoint Security system. Instead of manually managing user and roles, you can use the Validate Users button to revoke access rights for orphaned accounts.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Users and Roles.
- From the toolbar, click Validate Users. Click OK to continue.
If Ivanti Endpoint Security can't contact the domain, domain users won't be validated. Retry validation when Ivanti Endpoint Security has domain connectivity.
- User validation synchronization begins. Depending on the number of users in your domain, this process may take up to two minutes.
- Users in Ivanti Endpoint Security that are deleted from either your domain or your Ivanti Endpoint Security Server PLUS Admin local user group are removed from the console.
Only user accounts that are deleted from the domain (or server) have their access rights revoked. Users accounts that are merely disabled remain in the Ivanti Endpoint Security system.
Exporting User Data
You can export the data displayed on the Users tab list so that it can be used in other applications. This data is exported to a comma separated value (.csv) file.
To export data, click the Export button. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.