Service Manager


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Configuring Event Management

About Configuring Event Management

Creating and Adding the Event Tab

Creating and Adding an Event Tab for a Service

Viewing the Availability Log

Viewing, Editing, and Creating an Event

Reporting an Event as an Outage

Creating an Event for a Service

Marking an Event as Closed

Creating an Incident from an Event

Associating an Incident with an Event

About Event Correlation

About Configuring Event Management

Event management allows you to capture events for configuration items. You can add an Event workspace to specific roles to enable the roles to view events as they are logged, and to list open and closed events. Within the Event workspace, you can sort events by number, source, status, if it is an outage, the start date and time, and the end date and time. See Making Layouts Available to Users for information on how to add the Event workspace for a role.

In addition, an Event tab displays the information for each configuration item. To learn more about event management, see Working with Event Management.

To use event management in your deployment, do the following:

Add the Event service to your configuration. See Configuring Event Management.

If you are using a Service Manager release prior to Service Manager Release 2015.1, you must enable the functionality and create an Event tab (for each business object) to display within the CI workspace. See Creating and Adding the Event Tab.

Creating and Adding the Event Tab

Use the following procedure to create and add an Event tab for any configuration item other than a service. To add an Event tab for a service, see Creating and Adding an Event Tab for a Service.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Page Layouts to open the Page Layouts workspace.

2.Find the CI layout.

3.Click Edit.

From the Edit Layout: CI workspace, you must edit each business object type such as server, workstation, computer, or service to add event management.

4.Click a business object type (such as server) listed in Views in this layout to go to the Form View Editor page.

5.Navigate to the Child Panels list.

6.Select then delete Outage Log. It is no longer required.

7.Click Add Child Panel and edit the columns as follows to add an Event tab.

Column Title Description


At the FormView Child Panel Relationship Editor dialog box, for Direct Relationship: select Frs_EVT_Event (via CIAssocFrs_EVT_Event) for a device (such as computer, server, printer, and so on).

Display Name

Enter an appropriate name for the tab (such as Event).


Remove the Link and Unlink buttons (since they cannot be used) by dragging them to the Trash icon. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletions.

Add Create Incident for CI Events to the toolbar menu by dragging.

Make changes as needed at the toolbar button editor and click Save.

Click Save for the toolbar editor.


Select Frs_EVT_Event.DefaultGrid.


Select the default form for Frs_EVT_Event, then click OK to return to the Edit Layout: CI page.

Show Count in Title

Optional. Enable the checkbox in this column to see the number of associated events displayed on the tab.

8.Make any other changes such as adding the availability log. See Click Add Child Panel and edit the columns as follows to add an Availability Log tab. of Viewing the Availability Log

9.Click Save.

Creating and Adding an Event Tab for a Service

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the CI.Service business object.

3.Click the Layouts tab.

4.Click the CI.Service layout. If multiple layouts are used at your installation, then you must edit all relevant configuration item layouts.

5.Navigate to Views in this layout and click formView.

6.Navigate to the Child Panels list and click Add Child Panel.

7.Add or edit the following columns.

Column Title Description


At the FormView Child Panel Relationship Editor dialog, for Direct Relationship select

Frs_EVT_Event (via CIServiceAssocFrs_EVT_Event).

Display Name

Enter an appropriate name for the tab (such as Event).


Remove the Link and Unlink buttons (since they cannot be used) by dragging them to the Trash icon. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletions.

Add Create Incident for Service Events to the toolbar menu by dragging.

Make changes as needed at the toolbar button editor and click Save.

Click Save for the toolbar editor.


Select the Frs_EVT_Event.DefaultGrid.


Select the default form for Frs_EVT_Event then click OK.

Show Count in Title

Optional. Enable the checkbox in this column to see the number of associated events displayed on the tab.

8.Select then delete Outage Log. It is no longer required.

9.Make any other changes such as adding the availability log. See Click Add Child Panel and edit the columns as follows to add an Availability Log tab. of Viewing the Availability Log When specified, use the settings for service.

10.Click Save.

Viewing the Availability Log

The availability log displays information about events for a device or service. The log calculates the downtime from the time an event is marked as an outage to the time the event is closed. See also Reporting an Event as an Outage and Creating an Event for a Service

Outage Event impacts the Availability Log calculation only for CI Service and does not have any impact on other CI's Availability Log.

Follow these steps to add an availability log:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Page Layouts to open the Page Layouts workspace.

2.For the CI page layout, click Edit.

From the Edit Layout: CI page, you must edit each business object type such as server, workstation, or computer to add the Availability Log tab.

3.Click on a business object type (such as server) listed in Views in this layout to go to the Form View Editor page.

4.Navigate to the Child Panels list.

5.Click Add Child Panel and edit the columns as follows to add an Availability Log tab.

Column Title Description


At the FormView Child Panel Relationship Editor dialog box, for Direct Relationship select CIAssocFRS_AVL_CILog. For service, use Frs_AVL_CILog (via CIAssocFrsAVL_CILog).

Display Name

Enter an appropriate name for the tab (such as availability log).


Remove the New, Delete, Link, and Unlink buttons (since they cannot be used) by dragging them to the Trash icon. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion.


Select the Frs_AVL_CILog.DefaultGrid.


Select the default form for Frs_AVL_CILog, then click OK.

Show Count in Title

Optional. Enable the checkbox in this column to see the number of associated events displayed on the tab.

Viewing, Editing, and Creating an Event

Use the Events tab to track events created manually or by other integrations.

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab.

5.Double-click an event to view and edit the event details. You can view the following information for each event:

Event number: A unique number assigned to each event.

Description: A description of the event.

Source: The source of the event, such as manual entry or network monitor.

Status: The status of the event. Can be either open or closed.

Event type: The type of event. Can be exception, warning, or informational. You can use business rules and quick actions, depending on the event type. For example, whenever an event is classified as informational, you can configure the system to automatically close the event. You could also configure the system to send an alert or email to the administrator for events that are classified as exception or that cause an outage.

Priority: The priority of the event. Can be a number between 1 and 5. You can adjust the priority based on the event type.

Is outage: Specifies if this event is an outage.

Start date and time: The date and time when the event started.

End date and time: The date and time when the event ended.

Duration: The duration of the event.

Configuration item name: The name of the associated configuration item.

Configuration item state: The state of the associated configuration item.

Configuration item type: The type of the associated configuration item.

6.When viewing events in a list view, you can sort, group, or filter on any column by clicking the arrow next to the column name and then doing any of the following:

To sort events, click either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

To add or remove columns from the view, click Columns and then select the columns to add or remove.

To group events, click Group By This Field or Show in groups.

To filter events, click Filters and then enter a filter. Depending on the column type, the filtering options may be based on keyword or a selectable list.

7.If an event has one or more associated incidents, click the search icon to view the incident.

Reporting an Event as an Outage

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab.

5.Double-click an event to view and edit the event details.

6.Check Is Outage to mark an event as an outage.

The duration of the outage is calculated when the end date is entered and the entry is saved.

Creating an Event for a Service

An event is usually created manually for a service. Close the event by editing the information.

1.Log into the application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab.

5.Click New Event.

6.Enter the information into the fields as required.

7.If this is an outage, check Is Outage.

8.Enter the start date time to begin timing the duration of the outage.

The duration of the outage is calculated when the end date of the event is entered and the entry is saved, and is reported as Service Availability.

9.Associate the event with an incident. See Associating an Incident with an Event for more information. Or create a new incident for this event.

10.Click Save.

Marking an Event as Closed

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab.

5.Double-click an event to view it. The system displays the Edit Event dialog box.

6.In the Status field, change the status to closed.

7.In the End Date Time field, enter the end date time. (This is a required field when the event status is changed to closed.)

8.Click Save.

Creating an Incident from an Event

For a device or for a service, you can create an incident for an event by using the following steps:

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab to see a list of events.

5.Select an event, then click Create Incident or Create Incident for Service Events. You added these quick action buttons when creating the Event tabs. See Creating and Adding the Event Taband Creating and Adding an Event Tab for a Service.

The system automatically creates an incident associated with the event.

6.Double-click the event to open the Edit Event dialog box. The associated incident is listed in the Incident field.

7.Go to the listed incident by clicking Go to.

Associating an Incident with an Event

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Double-click a configuration item to open it.

4.Click the Event tab to see a list of events.

5.Double-click an event to view it. The system displays the Edit Event dialog box.

6.In the Incident field, enter the incident number if known, then click the search icon.

7.If the correct incident is displayed, click Use Selected Incident to link the incident with the event. You can also click the search icon to search for and find the appropriate incident. Then click Use Selected Incident to link the incident with the event.

About Event Correlation

You can create custom business rules and saved searches to notify users about events based on the event type.

For example, you can create a triggered action business rule that automatically creates an alert whenever there is a system outage. You can also create a triggered action business rule that links all events with the same description across all configuration items. For information about creating triggered action business rules, see Creating a Triggered Action.

For a list of the default events-based saved searches, see Default Saved Searches for Events.

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