Scan View Scan Summary

Scan View is accessible immediately following a successful scan or by selecting a previous scan from the Results list in the navigation pane.

The left side of the top pane contains a Scan Summary sub-pane. This pane provides summary information about the scan. The pane can be collapsed to provide more room in the top pane.

The top pane in the scan summary also displays a table containing detailed information about each machine that was scanned. Click on a column heading to sort the table by that information. You can also specify what information is presented by right-clicking the table heading and selecting or clearing the available items.



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Indicates whether the computer is a physical or online virtual Windows machine (), a Linux machine (), an offline virtual machine (), or a virtual machine template ().

Last Scanned Group

The machine group the machine belonged to at the time of the most recent scan. Because a machine can change machine groups or be in multiple machine groups, the name is dynamic.

Assigned Group

The group to which this machine is assigned within Scan View and Machine View.

An assigned group is not the same as a machine group. An assigned group is only used within Scan View and Machine View.

This column is used for organizational purposes within Scan View and Machine View. For example, machines that share similar attributes such as physical location or the same agent policy might be assigned to the same group.

The group assignment is preserved regardless of whether the Last Scanned Group value changes. For this reason, the Assigned Group column is often used within Scan View to sort, filter and search for specific assigned groups and then perform actions on the machines in those groups.

This column is particularly useful with machines such as Cloud agents, as they do not belong to a machine group and will not be automatically assigned to a group.

Machines can be assigned to a group a number of different ways.

  • The default group is the machine group name and it will be applied during agentless operations such as patch scans, asset scans and power status scans, or a push installation of an agent from a machine group.
  • You can manually assign machines to a group using the Machine Properties dialogs. For information on how to manually assign machines to a group, see Managing Individual Machine Properties and Managing Multiple Machine Properties.
  • Agent machines can be assigned to a group during deployments initiated from the REST API.
  • Agent machines can be assigned to a group if the agent activation key is created from the console machine or from the cloudsync function in the REST API. The assigned group information becomes a part of the agent key and is automatically included when you specify the ACTIVATIONKEY in an agent manual installation script or some other deployment tool.


The domain of the scanned machine.

Machine Name

The machine name.

IP Address

The IP address of the scanned machine.

Virtual Server

The name of the server that is hosting the virtual machine. This column does not apply to physical machines.

VM Name

The name of the virtual machine. This column does not apply to physical machines.

VM Inventory Path

The full path name of the hosted virtual machine. This column does not apply to physical machines.


A visual representation of the percentage of installed patches (green) vs. missing patches (red).

Installed Patch Count

The total number of patches installed on the scanned machine.

Missing Patch Count

The total number of patches missing on the scanned machine.

Missing Product Level Count

The total number of product levels missing on the scanned machine.

EOL Products

The number of software products on the machine that have been designated as at End-of-Life by their vendor.

Operating System With Product Level

The operating system and product level level being used on the scanned machine. If the operating system is shown in red it indicates that it has reached its end-of-life (EOL) phase and the vendor will limit support for the product.

Operating System Language

The operating system language being used on the scanned machine.

Assigned credential name

The credentials used when authenticating Security Controls to the machine.

Last Scan Template

The template that was most recently used to scan the machine.

Machine Criticality

The criticality level assigned to this machine.


Any custom notes that describe unique properties about the machine.