About Xtraction viewers

This topic is a quick start guide for end users of Xtraction who are not assigned an Xtraction user role. If you're such a user (or "viewer"), you have view-only access to certain folders within Xtraction that may contain:

Dashboards, which display interactive, real-time data imported from your company's application databases. Dashboards present data in an easily digested format, enabling you to gain insight into how the business operates. For service desk analysts, this could mean viewing a dashboard that presents a snapshot of incident-related data from the last month; for security administrators, it could mean understanding more about patch-management-related issues.

Documents, which are in-depth status reports of the same data. Documents can contain charts, graphs, or lists that can run to multiple pages (Word or PDF files), tabs (Excel spreadsheets), or slides (PowerPoint presentations).

As a viewer, you can also:

The export icon is used to export dashboard content to other formats. Export dashboards and documents to formats that enable you to email the content to others or save for future reference. For details, see Dashboard Designer or Document Designer and scroll down to the Exporting section of the topic.

The search icon is used to search through a defined list of items. Access the Open dialog, which is most useful for searching for specific items when a folder list is long and for reopening recently viewed items.

Viewing a dashboard or document

After you open Xtraction for the first time, you're presented with a blank canvas.

You can use the left pane to navigate the folder list for an item you want to view. Expand either My Folders or Shared Folders, then click a dashboard The dashboard icon is used to open the Dashboard Designer. or document The document icon is used to open the Document Designer. name to open it. If you don't have sufficient permissions to view an item, a message will display at the bottom of the page.

The folders list contains all viewable dashboards and documents.


An opened dashboard looks similar to this:

A typical dashboard comprised of several panes of data from a selected data source.

Each dashboard comprises any number of individual panes, each displaying a specific type of data identified by the pane title. Within each pane, you can drill deeper to view the underlying data.


An opened document looks similar to this:

A typical document containing various components that you can drag and drop onto a central pane for viewing.

Documents display in two distinct panes:

The central pane graphically displays one component at a time that's included in the document.

The right pane displays the Document Components list, which lists all of the components included in the document layout. Click any one of the listed components to display it in the central pane.