Document Designer

You must have designer rights to create and edit documents.

Use the Document Designer to present data in the format of a report when the screen limitations of a dashboard aren't sufficient. A document works better than a dashboard if you're creating a weekly or monthly report that contains dozens of charts, graphs, or lists that run to multiple pages (Word or PDF files), tabs (Excel spreadsheets), or slides (PowerPoint presentations).

As with dashboards, you can export documents to save for future reference or send via email to key stakeholders. If your company has purchased an Enterprise Server license, these stakeholders can view documents without consuming an Xtraction analyst license. For details, see About Xtraction viewers.

When using the Document Designer, you have the left navigation pane, as well as the design canvas that displays two distinct panes:

The central pane graphically displays one component at a time that's included in the document.

The right pane lists all components included in the document composition. Click any one of the listed components to display it individually in the central pane. You can include any number of components of any type in a document, because you're not constrained by screen real estate.

The Document Designer is comprised of two panes: one that lists each component in the composition and one that displays a single component at a time.

Getting started

Open the Document Designer by clicking the The Document Designer icon is used to open the Document Designer in Xtraction. icon in the toolbox. To get started, use the same method as detailed for creating a dashboard:

In the navigation pane, select the data-source target and define any optional filters. For details about using filters, see Creating filters.

Expand the components list in the navigation pane, then drag and drop components onto the central pane. It doesn't matter if a component is already displayed; dragging another one to that area adds it to the layout. Continue adding components to the central pane until you have a complete document. For details about components, see About components.

Click a component in the right pane to bring it into focus in the central pane. Use action icons in the header to interact with a displayed component and tailor its design settings. Click a single data point to apply temporary filters or view an underlying record list. For details about these interactive features, see Dashboard Designer.

Use the Tools menu to incorporate any filters or saved dashboards.

To sort components in the right pane, use theThe sort icon is used to move an item up or down a list.icon to move a component up or down the list. Right-click a component to edit, copy, or remove it.

To add parameters that enable you to view documents with specific values, see Adding parameters to dashboards and documents.

When your design is complete, click the File > Save menu. To export the document, see the procedures below.

Copying components from one document or dashboard to another

You can copy individual components between documents and dashboards, making it easy to design a new dashboard or document that's a composite of components from an older design.

Only dashboards and documents in design mode can have a component copied to them, but components in view mode can be copied.

Copying components from Document Designer to Exportable component

You can copy a component from the Document Designer to an Exportable component, where any tabular data that can be converted to a graph-based pictorial form will be automatically transformed.


You can export documents to these formats: Word, PDF, HTML, Excel, CSV, or PowerPoint. To schedule periodic exports, see Scheduling exports.