Scorecard components
You can use scorecard components to summarize data in an entire data source without slicing by time or group. Scorecards are not dependent on date or time, so they can display with or without date and time filters. If a scorecard is based on a filter, it retrieves just that result set.
Similar to time and group components, scorecards can support multiple series of data that are independent of each other, each retrieved from a different data source if needed. You can also define a separate calculated series that aggregates the data across those same data sources, which is recommended when you need a more complete analysis of key performance indicators.
If you're not already connected to a data source, click the icon in the left navigation pane and connect to one.
1.From the navigation pane, drag and drop a scorecard component onto a pane in the layout.
2.Click the icon in the component header and select Component. The Scorecard Component dialog displays the following options:
General tab
•Title: Title for the scorecard component as it will display in the pane header.
•Series: A list of series defined for the component. For details about setting up a series, see "Scorecard component series" below.
Output tab
•View: The display method for the data (scorecard or grid).
• Hide 0's: Hide data that displays only a zero (no real data value).
•Show title summary: Xtraction creates a title summary of what the component does, along with your own title. If you clear this option, the default summary is removed. For example, the title "Incidents (Last Month)" becomes just "Incidents."
•Show series title: Select whether to display the series title when the display is in scorecard view.
Alert rules tab
•Select colors to use in the results triggered by values within the data. Right-click in the blank area and select Add rule to enter an operation, value, colors for text and background, and notes about the rule if needed. Any added notes will display in the component header when you mouse hovers over the icon. For details about alerts, see Defining alerts.
•Note that alert rules at the series level will override alert rules at the component level.
Notes tab
•Enter explanatory text directly into the blank area, which will display when your mouse hovers over the icon for the component. If Show notes is selected for an export, these notes are included in the component export.
3.Click OK to save.
Scorecard component series
A single scorecard component can support multiple series of data that are independent of each other, each retrieved from a different data source if needed.
When more than one series is defined, you can sort the list in the Scorecard Component dialog by using the sorticon. By default, the first series in the list will be the one to display.
1.Click the icon in the component header and select Component.
2.In the Scoreboard Component dialog > General tab > Series area, right-click and select Add series.
3.The Scoreboard Component Series dialog displays with these options:
General tab
•Title: Title for the scorecard series.
•Name: Optional name, useful if you're going to reference this series in a calculated series.
•Data source: Data source used for this series.
•Summary type/field: Summary conditions to apply to the source data. In the Summary Type drop-down list:
•Count returns the COUNT of the number of records that match the filter conditions set in the series. The Summary Field drop-down list must be set to Not Applicable.
•Sum returns the SUM of the Summary field for all records that match the filter conditions set in the series.
•Average returns the AVERAGE of the Summary field for all records that match the filter conditions set in the series.
•Min returns the MINIMUM value of the Summary field for all records that match the filter conditions set in the series.
•Max returns the MAXIMUM value of the Summary field for all records that match the filter conditions set in the series.
Output tab
•Value format: Format used when displaying numerical values. For example, Decimal (3) would return a number such as "4.567."
•Visible: Select if you want the series to be visible in the output.
Filter tab
•Criteria used to filter the data from the data source. Right-click in the blank area to add a filter condition or open a saved filter. For details about filters, see Creating filters.
Alert rules tab
•Enables you to select colors to use in the results triggered by values within the data. Right-click in the blank area and select Add rule to enter an operation, value, colors for text and background, and notes about the rule if needed. For example, if your data contains the summarized value "Very high," you can define the output to display in red for this value.
•Note that alert rules at the series level will override alert rules at the component level.
4.Click OK to save.
Calculated series
You can define a calculated series that performs a mathematical calculation using values from the other series defined for the scorecard component. In doing so, a new series is created that aggregates the data, providing a more complete analysis of key performance indicators. When using a calculated series, you have the option of hiding the other series used in the calculation.
Several mathematical expressions are available for creating a calculated series, as described below.
For more guidance on how to define a calculated series for time, group, and scorecard components, see the Calculated Series video on the Ivanti community website.
This procedure assumes you already have a scorecard component displayed as part of a dashboard or document.
1.Click the icon in the component header and select Component.
2.In the Scorecard Component dialog > General tab > Series area, right-click and select Add calculated series.
3.The Scorecard Component Series dialog displays with these options:
General tab
•Title: Title for the series.
•Name: Name of the series for use within the calculated series expressions.
•Expression: Enter a mathematical expression that calculates the required value you're seeking. For details, see "About expressions" below. To ensure your entry is valid, click the icon.
Output tab
•Value format: Format used when displaying numerical values. For example, Decimal (3) would return a number such as "4.567."
•Visible: To hide any of the series used in the calculation, clear this option.
Alert rules tab
•Select colors to use in the results triggered by values within the data. Right-click in the blank area and select Add rule to enter an operation, value, colors for text and background, and notes about the rule if needed. For example, if your data contains the summarized value of "Very high," you can define the output to display in red for this value.
Use expressions to calculate the values for your calculated series. Expressions can use values from other series as parameters. Currently, expressions are limited to returning only numerical values.
You can use the following items within an expression:
Parameters are case sensitive, and you need to enclose them in square brackets:
•[S1]: Current value for series one.
•[S1_TOTAL]: The total for series one.
Expressions can use values from other series when being evaluated. There are two ways to refer to another series—by using the series index, or by using the series name (if set up):
•Series index: The index for the first series is 1 and the second series is 2. For example, when adding two series together: [S1]+[S2]
•Series name: If you've set up the series with a name, you can refer to it by that name in the expression. For example, [INCIDENTS]+[REQUESTS]
Use operators in between parameters as shown, without spaces:
•Add (+): [S1]+[S2]
•Subtract (-): [S1]-[S2]
•Multiply (*): [S1]*[S2]
•Divide (/): [S1]/[S2]
•Modulus (%): [S1]%[S2]
•Primary ((,)): ([S1]*([S2]+[S3])
•Abs: Returns the absolute value of a specified number: Abs(-1), Result: 1
•Ceiling: Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number: Ceiling(1.5), Result: 2
•Floor: Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number: Floor(1.5), Result: 1
•if: Returns a value based on a condition: if(condition, true-value, false-value) if(True, 1, 2), Result: 1